Chapter 12: New beginning

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Chapter 12: New beginning
[Pov-Lydia (few months later)]
"Are you serious? She just laughed about it?" I asked, a smile tugging in my lips.
"Indeed. Very mature of the witch." He smiled, shaking his head.
I liked this, the feeling of normality, almost like a college reunion, and I felt careless and free.
I had been in this place for two months now, taking random subjects like Latin language and history, and I also learned new things I didn't knew before.
Honestly, I didn't have a clue at the beginning, but I was starting to get the idea of it, liking the way of beginning again.
Everything was just so perfect, like the life I've always wanted to have.
But nothing is exactly like I wanted it to. I woke up in this place a few months ago, feeling confused and dizzy, unable to remember anything. Conclusion, I have no memory of who I was or what I did before being here, but this was okay, some part of me told me I didn't really want to know anyway.
"It's too early to get drunk, Axel!"
I turned my head, glancing behind me. Her hair was incredibly long, her eyes different, beautiful. One eye was blue, the other one brown, so beautiful and unique I felt a sudden pang of jealousy.
"I'm not drunk. I'm just loosing up a little." He replied, winking at me.
She smiled, taking a seat on the armrest at my left.
"I swear, Lydia, he's just trying to get in your pants."
I chuckled, taking a sip of the red cup on my hand, shaking my head.
"I'll chop off your thingy if you get near me." I said, joking.
I took another sip, allowing the burning sensation to reach my throat, somehow relaxing me.
"Good thing is, if you do hook up, I won't have to worry about him whining anymore that he doesn't get 'full usage of his body'" she quoted, laughing out loud.
Now, seating on this old, smelly couch it almost felt like home, like I had spent here my whole life.
"There's a party tomorrow, do you mind coming? But, please don't make out in front of me." Allison whispered, making me blush.
I had never kissed anyone, not really, even if I did, I couldn't remember. I wanted to kiss Axel, every girl did, and I was slowly starting to like him, even if I told myself not to.
"I can't promise you anything." Axel whispered, grinning.
What a jerk.
The bell rang, and since it was close to the bedroom, we didn't really have an excuse of why to miss downstairs reunion.
It was Sunday, and each and every Sunday, no exception, we'd have to go downstairs to get checked. Of course, nobody really cared anyways, they just went, got checked and left.
Crowley, my tutor (that's what he told me) was downstairs, waiting for me.
I looked back, but Axel was already gone.
Allison, besides me, huffed.
"I swear to you, I don't know how he never gets in trouble, but he's always missing this reunions. Since I arrived here, I've never seen him get checked even once.
"Weird" I said,which was true. How did you skip them and never get in trouble?
We went down the stairs, a grinning Crowley standing behind the table.
"How are you doing, sweetie?" He was pretending, of course, a man like him could never actually care about someone like me, but I never really did ask questions.
I smiled, nodding to Allison, stepping behind the table.
"I'm fine."
"Anything weird lately?" He said, still looking at me, his smile long gone.
"Why? I mean, what kind of weird?"
"Felt something weird without an explanation, met someone who's weird."
"Axel doesn't count" I said, before I could stop myself.
His face changed immediately. It was as if the name made him think of puke.
"Axel? Axel what?"
"Axel Shappierce. He's a really sweet guy Crowley, don't get worked up over him."
He nodded, shaking his head.
Slowly reaching into his pocket, he took a small step toward me, opening my hand, giving me a ring.
It was pure silver, with a small heart on it, and the letter D. What did it meant?
"It's 'D' for decency. It's like a-a purity ring."
I knew he was lying to me, but I took it anyways, slipping in on my ring finger.
"Everybody, eyes on here." I shook my head, saying thank you, and stepped aside, able to see the woman with long blonde hair, piercing blue eyes.
"The reunion of today will only be about certain students, so please, if I say your name, take a step forward."
I prayed silently for my name to be forgotten.
"Alexa Sarco, Miley Styme, Mike Lophale, Daniel Lym, Allison Argent, and Lydia Martin."
Crowley placed a hand on my shoulder, as if assuring me that I was safe.
After a while, the whole room was empty but us six, the lady, named Cassie and Crowley.
"Now, I want to ask questions to each of you individually. But I want you to be complete honest with me. Have any of you had flashbacks or memories? Anything from your past life?"
Everyone shook their heads no.
"Something weird happened? Like moving things without intending to, changing your eye color?"
"No." I whispered, being honest.
"Alright, one last question for you, Lydia." She said, turning her eyes to me, suddenly feeling goosebumps all over my arms. "Have you missed anyone?"
Who could I miss? I didn't remember anything. I shook my head no, feeling Crowley let a little loose.
"Okay, sweeties, thank you so much for your time. And Lydia, please keep this."
She handed me a small bag the size of a fist, with an X across it.
"Keep it always near you." And with that she turned around, exiting the room, leaving me with millions of questions, and no answers.
He was leaning in to kiss me, his eyes half closed. And I wanted that kiss.
I wanted to kiss Axel.
But I couldn't. A single word, a name, was whispered into my head, making me open my eyes, getting out of my reverie.
That wasn't a name I had ever heard before, and yet it didn't sound out of my place in my mind, but oddly familiar, almost comforting.
"What's wrong?"
I shook my head, trying to focus on a thought.
The word was still echoing in my head, bouncing on the walls.
"I-i have to go."
I took my purse and left.
I started running down the hallways, trying to run away from that thought, that name that had just appeared on my mind. Dean. Who was he? Why was he there, in my mind?
I remember going to my room, to the balcony on the second floor, then, being too childish and irresponsible I took of my clothes leaving me in only my bra and panties.
I took a step into the small handle, and took a dive out into the pool directly downstairs.
For a moment, only air was in my hair, making my eyes sting. And then, a wall, slamming into my chest.
I breathed in water, trying to catch my breath underwater.
I surged into the surface, struggling to breathe.
The sky was shining above me, and then I saw.
Two men, both extremely tall were looking at me, in awe. Besides them, Crowley was there, staring at me blankly.
I didn't want them to speak, to talk to me, so I took the huge gulp of air i could manage and dove in underwater, praying for them to leave soon.
[Pov Dean (Hours earlier)]
"I need you guys to be extremely careful. I'm allowing you to be close to her for this one night, because I really need you to find out what in the bloody hell Axel is doing there, but as soon as you find out and you exorcice the hell out of him, you'll have to leave."
I nodded, feeling lost and confused.
I was seeing her again, but I had forbidden to get even close to her. It'd be comforting but extremely painful.
If Axel was with her, close to her, our whole plan could go down. He could restore her memories if he wanted to, making her powers useful again, and we all knew the consequences it could have. Lydia could be gone if that happened.
Sam stood very still besides me. He was confused of seeing her again soon.
We were standing in the doorway of a building, its facade screaming of wealthiness and money. She was in one of those rooms, sleeping, laughing, living.
And I was only a few meters from seeing her.
Crowley guided us through the door down a narrow hallway, warning us to be careful with our steps, since it was dim lighted.
We passed through a door that gave into a garden outside, with a pool occupying half the room.
He pointed upstairs, to a balcony with one light on.
She was there. And I couldn't even touch her.
Suddenly, the door flew open, letting us see her shadow, her figure lighted by the moon.
Her hair was blowing in the wind, and she was looking so alive, so perfect.
I reminded the first time we met, how her eyes were glowing in the dark, expecting me to tell her to leave. She was beautiful back then, and she was even more beautiful right now, if possible.
I took a step forward as she stepped into the handle, looking down at the pool.
She was going to jump.
For a moment, she was suspended in the air, and then the splash sound came, allowing me to just catch a glimpse of her red hair in the water.
Seconds that felt like an eternity later, she emerged.
Her eyes were red, from the bleach used in the pool, her hair pasted to her forehead, her cheeks hollow.
She looked at us, took a huge breath and went underneath the surface again.
That was the girl I loved. And now she didn't even know me.
Hiii! This is sort of to build some tension, but the next few chapters will be painful, I'm warning you. Comment your opinions and Multiifandomaf I live for your comments and thank you for reading this cringy and stupid story! I love you all! Bye! 💕

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