Chapter 5: Close

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Chapter 5: Close
[pov-Lydia (age 24)]
I opened my eyes, trying to adjust them to the darkness. Immediately, my hand went to my stomach, caressing it, making sure she's still there, as if I would go to bed pregnant and wake up alone.
I saw a shadow in the corner, though there wasn't enough light to make out its features.
"Did I wake you?"
I shook my head, then whispered no, knowing he wouldn't be able to see me.
"Why are you here?"
He shook his head, a little movement, and stood up.
"You're right, I should leave."
"No. Dean. Stay."
That made him turn back, his head bowed.
"Come here." I said, scooting backward, being careful with my stomach. A few months and I'd carry her in my arms. So close.
He took small steps towards the bed, and then leaned his body on it, sinking the bed.
"Are you okay? Dean..."
"I'm alright." He said, taking my hands.
"Then what's wrong?"
"I like watching you sleep. You know, you look even more adorable being pregnant."
I nodded, thankful for the darkness to cover my blush.
"Only a few months." I whispered, excitement creeping in my voice.
"Have you thought of a name?" He asked, as he pushed back a strand of my hair behind my ear.
I giggled, excited.
He took a breath.
"That's-that's a beautiful name."
"She'll have a even more beautiful last name." I admitted, making him chuckle.
He leaned backwards, allowing me to scoot closer to him.
"I look fat." I said, feeling suddenly ashamed.
"Beautiful for me." He said, placing a hand in my stomach.
I drew in a sharp breath. I wasn't used to his touch yet.
"Have you thought about what will happen after?" He said, his tone neutral.
I had. I had thought about how I'd barely have her in my arms just a second, and then I'd have to give her up. Give her up to some parents that'd take care of it, make her happy, normal, get her away from our dangerous lives. I'd never get to hear her first words, or see her first steps, never listen to her cry, or watch her sleep. Or smile. She'd never meet her mother and father, the people that would give anything for her, the ones that were fighting to keep her safe.
I started crying without meaning too. It was all too much. I'd give up anything to be able to hold her in my arms forever, see her smile, touch her, play with her, love her.
She'd never love me.
"Lydia. Hey. I'm here." He said, not asking for the reason of my tears. I grabbed his chest, trying to hold onto something, stop myself from sinking.
"She doesn't deserve this, dean. She needs to be happy."
And that's true. She needs to be. I love her.
"You know? She might not remember you, but her blood will be full of yours, her hair the same color as yours. Lydia, you are-you are giving her the best gift. Freedom. Choice and happiness."
I nodded, understanding that, though I couldn't hold back the tears. I let them run free from my eyes, wetting Dean's shirt, until suddenly I was dry, and a fog crept over me, listening to Dean's steady breath while I was swept away.
"Crowley please don't."
I rolled my eyes, watching from Sam to Dean and then to Crowley, repeating the movement.
"I just want to know why out of everyone, dean had to get you pregnant. I even prefer moose."
I shook my head.
"Doesn't matter. You're here to tell us what will happen once she's born." Sam said, looking at me assuringly.
"We'll put a binding spell. She'll be bound to Dean, so in case she's hurt, we'll know. A tracking spell might come in handy too, in case anyone wants to find her, we'll be able to reach for her first."
I nodded, I had already thought about all of this.
"And finally, the sealing spell."
That was new. Dean stiffened besides me, shaking his head.
"What is that for."
"She's not normal. She's the daughter of a chosen one, she'll be strong enough to remember Lydia in a future, recreate the memories she had when she was born. That could trigger her powers and poof, our protection over would be busted. We have to wipe her memory, seal her powers in a place in her memory where no one but us can reach if the time comes."
I nodded, convinced.
"We also have to make everyone believe she died before she was born."
"Why?" I asked, taking Dean's hand.
"Word has spread all over hell and heaven. They know something big is coming. She will only make you even more powerful once she's born, and they don't want that."
"So how do we trick them?" Dean asked.
"We'll have Rowena to testify. She'll see you cry, Lydia and you have to be very good acting. It's only three months away, we have time to plan the rest."
Sam stood up, suddenly alert.
"Sounds like someone's coming from upstairs."
Dean stood up as well, taking out the gun from his belt.
"Stay with her, I'll go find out who is it."
Dean nodded, looking at me.
"I thought this place was the safest place on earth. You lied to me squirrel."
"No time for that now, Crowley." He replied, his voice strained.
"I need to see her. I want to...." voices faded and came back, talking."Is she okay?"
Oh no.
"Gabriel." Dean huffed.
I wasn't expecting him at the moment, but just seeing him made me so happy. The last time we'd seen each over was when I was 17, at school, trying to help me to control my powers, when I didn't meet Dean or Sam yet.
"Do you know him?" Sam asked, surprised.
" is a friend of mine since I was little." I said, stepping in to hug him.
And it was true. He was friends with my foster parents, always kept me company when I felt lonely. I had small flashes of him, making my dreams come true. I visited Oz, I went to Paris, and I rode a unicorn, thanks to his powers that I later found out, meant that he was an angel.
"And you never brought her in. I can't believe you were tricking us into playing doctors and you were taking care of her." Dean said, exhausted.
"My, my, have you grown up, Lydia. Look at you. When your parents told me you were gone, I freaked out. Later, I found out you were with my old fellas, I relaxed. They handle this type of things."
I smiled.
"Are you...someone ate the cake before time." He said, twisting his eyebrows.
I felt heat rising at my cheeks, and turned away.
"How old is it? Seven months?"
"Six." Dean corrected him.
"Wow. You're soon to be a mother, who would've thought. I want to be able to transport that kid to Narnia once in a while as I did with you, okay?"
I nodded begging for him to shut up. I've never told Dean about this. About my past life. Everything was hidden away in a place where I couldn't reach those memories anymore without breaking.
"What does that mean?"
"Later." I whispered to dean, hoping he'd forget.
"Why are you here Gabriel?" Crowley asked, stepping from behind the corner.
"I came to protect you. Lucifer's close, and he owes me one. After all, he did kill me once."
"Lucifer? Close?" Sam asked.
"Yeah, my friend. He's like an eagle ready to drop once that baby's born. Castiel could come in handy right now, protect Lydia for a while. As you might already know, he doesn't want that baby born, and he's willing to do anything. Of course, with a trickster by your side, who could stand against us?"
I was supposed to laugh, but I couldn't. I knew what was happening after. I had a vision about this. Dean. Dean was in danger.
Wooopppp. It's about to go down 😍😂 I really enjoy just imagining Lydia and Dean. Seriously. Comment your opinions 🌸 love ya

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