It's been a while since the little visit of the dushbag.
Maybe a hour or two, but it felt like decades.
I've been waiting for my body to heal and get feeling in my body but I regret it.
I could feel all my wounds.
Someone had decided to play slave with me.
Hopefully they had just whipped my back instead of doing anything else.
The wounds on my back bleeded feeling the cool breeze brush against it.
Yea, pain was all I could feel.
My mind struggled to stay awake, in order to heal faster I needed to sleep....but i was honestly afraid for what would come next.
I started to slowly drifft as the door opened with a big clank sound.
I was able to move my head just a little bit....but I whimpered at the pain.
I glanced for a second then turned back to keep the pain from growing.
"Well, looks like Kitty's awake" said the demon's voice.
I didn't respond, I will refuse to speak, to show emotion.
"When I talk you respond bitch" he said as he slapped me across the face.
My face stinged for several minutes even though his hand had left my cheek it was still marked on me like a scar.
He stood infront of me as I let my head lower down to his feet ignoring his gaze that didn't even pay attention to my face more so on my body.
"Look's like I won, and I say it's time for my reward" said Victor.
His hand grabed my chest then went to the back unlaceing my corset.
"Don't touch me" I growled in anger as I finally looked up at him.
He was in complete human form.
Only he had a eye patch over the wound I had made, it made me smirk.
"Fiesty, that's how I like them" he whispered in my ears as his cold freezing claws slowly and carefully touched my skin lightly as the corset came off, it gave me chills and gosebumps with one touch of his hands on my body.
"Leave me alone" I said again even angrier.
"Shut up or I might have to punish you" he said strictly as he grabed my ponytail pulling my hair down and makeing my face look up almost to the wall, I wish it was the wall.
My face was right infront of his, our noses touching, his hot fire breath of steam over my face.
My lips stuck together like gum to a desk.
I closed my eyes, I didn't want to look at him, even though I knew every moment he watched me.
Then I felt one of his dragon like claws dig deep inside my eye on the same side as his.
The feeling was intense, and as he pulled out his claw I still felt it dug inside me, with a stinging feeling.
The blood dripped all over my face and down my bare chest, as it flowed like a river on my stomach and down to my shorts and stockings.
"Now we match" he said with a light laugh.
Then his claws lightly traced among my abdominals lightly picking up some of my blood.
I could hear him savoring it, useing my healing blood.
"Thanks for the donation" said a smart remark from the demon.

Young Justice: Trust
RomanceThe continuation of the battle goes on here, along with secrets revealing who Kitty really is and showing her feelings towards the team. Drama, anger, action, and romance all mixed in this book, but mainly romance!