Location: Themyscaria
Time: Noon
A month has passed since my training. I completeled my training easily although it was a bit of a challenge and with my concious a bit more clear of what I wanted and me being calmer my power began to grow and adapt to the way I wanted it to.
My last and final test was against Artemis without the use of my powers.
I could see from the corner of my eye Batman and Green Arrow.
Wonder Woman stood as refere.
"Last round, first one to the ground completely beat wins" she explained.
"Make them proud Firefly" Artemis said with a smirk.
"I'll do my best Arty" I said back as we both gave each other a smirk.
As the days went with us traing our bond grew, I learned much of my mother of how she was a child and how she grew, turn out we were identical to each other.
My smirk fadded as the face of a fearless worrior appeared prepared for battle.
I held my sword up in a defensive position covering my body.
As soon as Princess Diana waved down the flag Artemis quickly attacked me with all her rage.
I held my sword pushing on the sword Artemis had, wepons were placed all over at our will but were only allowed to use one wepon at a time.
She used are her will to take the sword out of my hand.
The first attempt she failed as I pushed her back with a smirk on my face.
As she regained her strangth in the backfall she smirked back and charged towards me unexpectedly and tryed as hard as she could to leave me defenseless.
Her determination was strong that in a few seconds of us trying to keep our swords in each of our hands mine flung out of my hands and on to the floor.
I quickly walked back towards te wepons while she swung her sword.
I was defensless but the bands on my hands were my only shield, i held her back until I retrieved the first wepon on the floor.
A bunch of wepons were everywhere and I was retaught to use them in better ways.
I had grabed a bow and a couple of arrows attached.
As soon as I pushed Artemis and her sword back I quickly shot a arrow towards her hand flinging the sword out of her hand.
I quickly droped the bow and arrows reaching for the katana sword and attacking as she used her bracelets as a defense.
She quickly ducked when I threw another swing with the sword as she streched her legs trying to make me fall but she failed because I jumped.
As soon as I hit the floor she attacked me with a punch grabing my katana and throwing it out of the way.
She attacked again as I ducked puching her in the stomach as she grabed her tummy in a bit of pain but gave me a look saying "good one kid".
She came back charging stronger than ever while I was more focused than ever.
Each of her punches or kicks I doged with a quick and smart reaction while attacking back with kick.
She finally seemed a bit weak and I ducked down from her attack streaching my leg makeing her fall to the floor.
I set my foot atop of her chest while she strugled while my fist was at her face, everyone was astonished and surprised along with Princess Diana.
She waved her flag ending the match declaring me winner.

Young Justice: Trust
Storie d'amoreThe continuation of the battle goes on here, along with secrets revealing who Kitty really is and showing her feelings towards the team. Drama, anger, action, and romance all mixed in this book, but mainly romance!