Chapter Fifteen

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Location: Mount Justice

Time: 12:00

The doors opened with a giagantic light that burned my sensitive eyes.

Once we entered there was a small group infront of us.

At my side batman and the other my bag which carried mainly wepons, my suits, and a few human clotheing.

Infront of me was the atlantean who seemed to be the one in charge of the little group since he seemed more mature and older.

Behind him the unhappy boy wonder who only saw me as a threat.

Along with the girl archer, and the green martian girl and what seemed the replica of superman.

"Here's the new recruit, as you've all probably meet her, she's sticking with her name as Kitty" Batman said even grimer than usual.

"Kitty this is the team leader Aqualad, from now on you are under his command of orders on the battelfield" Batman said makeing sure I heard.

"Got it, team leader, under his command at all times" I repeated.

"Get to know the team I have to go" Batman said as he walked away without even looking back cruely.

"It's great to have you on the team, Kitty" Aqualad said holding out his hand or rather webed fingers.

I shook his as lightly knowing how my nails were like deadly knives at all times.

As soon as we finished shakeing hands the martian girl exscitedly came through infront of everyone greeting me with the warmest and most sincere heart felt smile in the world.

"Hi im Me'gan or Ms.M on the battlefield or Ms. Martian, its finally great to have another girl on the team" she said with such a smile that never ended.

"Great to meet you again" I said.

"Come on me and Artemis will take you to you're room" she said grabeing my wrist and yankeing me as my eyes widened, and it wasn't easy keeping my bloodthirst undercontrol with the boy blunder around.

Back in Themyscaria I had the same bloodthirst that I felt for Grayson that I felt for Alexa, it was hard but I managed because she became like a sister to me, a older and wiser sister that I would never have.

The took me from the main entrance to a hallway then a living room a kitchen and before I knew it we were in front of a door with my name on it.

It was just me and the two girls.

"If you want we'll help you unpack get to know you better as a teammate and a friend it'll be fun!" Me'gan said excitedly with so much enthusiasm.

"Um sure, why not?" I said as I walked into the room.

It was painted a torquoise color with a queen sized bed, a closet, a small desk and a lamp.

It was a average size for a room.

"You're bag sounds pretty heavy" Artemis noticed as I pounded it on the bed.

"You could say that" I said if it weren't for the fact that I was stronger than them.

"So are you going to decorate you're room? do you like the color?" Me'gan asked impatiently.

"Maybe I don't know, the colors fine its a nice bright color" I answered as I opened my bag.

Inside the first thing I saw was my Katana swords, my four belts full of amo, my pistol, and another special sword that was homemade in Themyscaria as a part of my training along with my bow and a quiver.

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