A Cuppa

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"Liam, I can't just tell him. He'll freak out and never want to speak to me again," Rose fretted, running a hand through her pin straight hair. "I've finally broken out of my shell around him, and you know I'm only like that around you. I can't mess this up now." Liam gave her a sad smile. Rose knew she would tell Louis sooner or later, but she couldn't bring herself to do it. After years of only being able to mutter a few words to people other than Liam, her brother, she had finally opened up to a certain blue eyed boy. She didn't want to risk ruining everything now.

"Rosie, this isn't something you can hide forever. If he likes you as much as he claims to, then he won't let this get in the way. Maybe telling someone well make you stop blaming yourself for it. Just think about how much you've grown since you met him. He cares about you, Rosie, and I'll be damned if you let him go because you won't tell him. He knows there's something you're hiding, and it isn't going to be long before he decides he can't handle it anymore." Rose stared up at her brother after he was finished with his speech. Louis did need to know, but that didn't mean she wanted to tell him. The nerves in her stomach were at full force making Rose feel as if she was going to be sick. She hadn't told anyone about the incident, only her brother. He tried to convince her it wasn't her fault, but Rose knew it was. So many things could have been avoided that day. Ever since then, Rose wasn't the same. Her outgoing personallity she had around others dissapeared, only seen when she was with her older brother. She rarely talked to people and kept to herself. 

"I can't, Lili. I'm scared," Rose whispered. Tears were falling steadily from her eyes. She couldn't stop them, they just continued to fall. It was a never ending stream of scared tears.

Liam took his little sisters face in his hand and forced her to look at him; brown eyes searching brown eyes. "You don't need to be scared. I promise everything will turn out okay. Don't you know the saying? If it's not okay, it's not the end, or something like that?" This caused a small smile break out on Rose's face, but it quickly disipitated when there was a knock on the door. "You can do this." Liam stated before walking towards the door and opening it. Rose's heart skipped a beat when she took in the figure standing there. Scruff on his face, a smiple white v-neck, skinny jeans, and his Vans. 

"Rose, what's wrong?" Louis asked immediately, walking over to the fear stricken girl. He cupped her face and wiped the fallen tears away. "What's wrong?" He asked again , quieter this time. The faint sounds of Liam's retreating shoes pulled Rose out of her haze and stare wide eyed at Louis. 

"I have to tell you something, but I'm scared," She whispered. Her hands were shaking and her bottom lip was trembling. Rose tried to find the right words to say, but words in general wouldn't form.

"Baby, nothing you could say is going to change anything." Louis left a small kiss on her lips in hopes to reinforce his statement. 

"You say that now," Rose muttered before taking a deep breath. This is it, she thought, I'm going to tell him. 












So, what do you guys think? I'll post the first chapter... When I can. I'm a busy person ya'know? Not really, but I do have a lot to do. So, the first chapter will probably be uploaded after the new year <3

Please COMMENT and VOTE and let me know what you're thinking about this. 

--Sierra xx

 Dedication because I was inspired to write this from her fanfic. Go check it out! It's called Chocolate Milk, and it is seriously amazing. <3

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