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Rose's mouth opened and closed multiple times trying to form words, but nothing would come out. She stared at Louis, the shell she had removed around Liam slowly encasing her. 

"Hi," she squeaked out. The warm blush she had too often creeping up towards her cheeks. 

"Appears that Rose doesn't want me to stay, so I'll go," Louis stated. Rose noticed an emotion in his eyes, but couldn't quite determine what it was. A mix of teasing and honesty? No. Just teasing? Maybe.

"No, you can stay. Just surprised is all," Rose mumbled sheepishly. She played with the hem on her shirt nervously as Liam and Louis made small talk. 

"Hungry?" Liam asked, holding the box of pizza up. Rose nodded her head quickly, eyes wide. She jumped up from her spot on the floor and walked over to Liam.

"I'm going to put my pajamas on real quick," Rose muttered quietly, keeping her eyes on the floor as she passed Louis. She didn't fail to notice the skipped heart beat when she did pass him. She scurried into her room, shutting the door behind her. After taking multiple deep breaths, Rose changed into one of Liam's jumpers and a pair of shorts. She slipped on a pair of fuzzy socks before skipping down the hall back into the living room forgetting all thoughts of Louis being here. "Lili, grab me three pieces of pizza and a bottle of water!" Rose yelled to her brother before plopping down on the blankets in the living room. 

"Does she really eat that much?" Rose heard Louis ask. The blush that should remain permanantly on Rose's cheeks resurfaced. She had forgotten about Louis being her during the time that she was changing. 

"Yeah. Most of the time. She's also the loudest person I have ever known." Rose heard Liam say. She didn't know if she should feel embarrassed by Liam telling Louis this, or relieved. 

At the moment, all Rose wanted was to throw the blankets over her head and dissapear. A few minutes later, Liam walked into the living room with a plate of pizza and a bottle of water, along with Louis. They both sat down on the blankets forcing Rose to be in the middle of the two boys. She pulled the plate out of Liam's lap and started eating, ignoring the looks of astonishment from Louis. After eating the three pieces of pizza Liam got for her and two other pieces, Louis was still staring with his mouth open. 

"The movie is that way," Rose whispered bodly to Louis. He grinned widely before turning to watch Batman. Side glances were stolen from the both of them throughout the movie. 


"Rose," Liam whispered, prodding her arm. She grumbled incoherent words before turning over and snuggling closer to her pillow. With a sigh of defeat, Liam gave up and lay down next to Rose, pulling the blanket over her shoulders and leaving a kiss on her head. It wasn't long before Liam too was asleep. 


Rose woke up to the blinding lights and movement on her right. When she slowly peeled her eyes open, her heart stopped and her cheeks flamed with heat. She slowly pulled away from the sleeping body and rolled over to her brother. In his unconscious state, he tightened his arm around her making her smile. Rose always adored the relationship her and her brother had, they were always this close.

"Lili," Rose whispered in an attempt to wake him up. When he didn't, she resorted to drastic measures. She pulled away from another sleeping body and walked to the kitchen for a pot and the wooden spoon. She traipsed into the living room banging the pot with the spoon. Almost immediately Liam and Louis hoped up from the living room floor. "Morning," she said with a shy smile. 

"That wasn't necessary," Liam groaned letting his head fall back onto the pillow. Louis, on the other hand, jumped up in confusion. 

"G'morning." Rose said with a small, sheepish smile. Louis looked up at Rose, making her heart flutter. "I'll make breakfast. 

"Pancakes!" Liam and Louis cheered at the same time. The sudden burst of energy surprised Rose, but made her giggle none the less. 

"Only because I want pancakes, too." Rose could feel herself coming out of her shell around Louis. After him spending the night with her, she felt closer to him. Not as close as her and Liam, but closer than she ever has been with anyone else. 

As she mixed the pancake mix, Liam and Louis leaned against the counter and watched her, making small talk about football and manly things, as they put it. "I would much rather you not watch me cook. Or I'll throw pancake mix on you," Rose threatened. For some reason, this morning when Rose woke up, she felt like she could be normal around Louis. 

"You wouldn't dare," Louis challenged. Rose turned around with a raised eyebrow, questioning him. He just smirked causing Rose's heart to flutter. 

Before even thinking twice about it, Rose threw a glob of pancake mix and hit Louis in the face. Completely guffawed, Louis just stood there. A few seconds of shocked silence later, Rose was curled over in roars of laughter. Tears were falling down her face as she looked back up at Louis' face. He still stood there shocked, unsure how to react. 

"You're going to pay for that," Louis smirked. He reached for the pancake mix, dipping his fingers into it and throwing it at Rose. The gooey substance landed on her shirt making her gasp. All the while, Liam was howling with laughter. Rose took more of the pancake mix and threw it at both the boys. 

Within minutes, a full out war started with pancake mix. All three of them were covered in pancake mix and struggling to stifle their laughter. Rose retreated to the kitchen and grabbed more pankake mix-dry pancake mix- and walked back to the living room where both the boys were hiding out. She spotted Louis' smooshed quiff and threw the mix at him, turning his face pale white. 

"I quit!" Rose yelled, both the boys groaning.

"That's not fair," Liam complained with a pout. 

"You have work in an hour. You need to get ready," Rose stated. Liam rolled his eyes and looked over to Louis. 

"You can shower here. I'll let you borrow some clothes. I've got work in a few hours, but you're welcome to hang out here." Liam suggested.

"No, no. I have to go. I've already extended my stay." He then turned to Rose, "It was great seeing you again. I do hope I see you again soon." Rose blushed deeply, but nodded her head; at a loss for words. 

"Bye, Louis." Liam said as he walked with Louis to the door. "I'll be at work again, so if you want to stop by to chat or whatever, you can." There was an unsaid conversation between the two boys that didn't go unnoticed by Rose, but she couldn't figure out what was said. 

"Bye, Louis," Rose squeaked out at last minute. 

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