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She sat at her small table, oblivious to the world around her. She had a cup of tea next to her and a book in front of her. An intriguing character she was. Everyday she would come here and order a cuppa and read her book. She would never speak more than she has to and would keep to herself. Everyone around her noticed her, but they didn't bother to talk to her. She liked it that way. She didn't want to have to deal with the conversation and trying to make sense; she didn't want to spill her deepest secrets to a stranger, and she knew if she held a conversation long enough with them, that's exactly what would happen. She had a problem of trusting people too quickly. It was one of her falling traits. 

As she continued to read, she started to notice how packed the small cafe was getting. Seats were being occupied too quickly, leaving people to sit with strangers. She tried to shrink down into the seat, with her nose in the book so she wouldn't have to make eye with anyone. 

"The Fault in Our Stars? I've heard it's good," a boy with bright blue eyes and an intriguing accent stated quietly. She looked at the cover of the book, almost as if to check and see if that was the book she was reading, even though she knew it was. "I wouldn't know though, I haven't read it myself yet." The boy sat down across from her making her heart race. 

"Yeah," She replied timidly, her voice barely above a whisper before she started reading the words in the book. She didn't know what to say, the air around her getting awkward with each passing minute.

"My name is Louis," the boy said happily. She raised her eyes from her book to look at him. He grinned widely at her, but she didn't say anything in response. "I've seen you here before." He stated the obvious. She simply nodded her head in response. After a few minutes of neither of them saying anything the boy-Louis-let out a sigh and stood up. "I'm going to go, I guess.." He awkwardly said. A strange feeling occured with her at the thought of Louis leaving. She didn't want him to go. She enjoyed his company very much, even if they haven't had much of a conversation. He was the first one to approach her in a while.

"You don't have to," She said, placing her bookmark in the book and setting it down. "My name is Rose." She said quietly. Louis grinned and sat back down. 

"That's a lovely name. Is it short for anything?" He asked. Rose nodded her head. "What's it short for?" Louis asked. Rose was genuinely surprised with his curiosity.

"Rosalie, but I don't like that name very much." Rose grabbed her cuppa and took a small sip from it. The drink was cold which made her crinkle her nose in disgust.

"That wasn't a happy face," Louis commented. Rose shook her head and looked down to her cold tea. "It's cold, innit?" He asked. It was weird how well Louis could pick up from the simple gestures Rose made. 

Rose nodded her head and sighed, pushing the cup away from her. She glanced up at the counter to the boy who worked there and he nodded, a silent message between them.

"I hate when that happens." Rose looked up through her thick lashes to stare at the boy in front of her. His blue eyes searched her face as her brown ones did the same. Her cheeks started to heat up as the situation dawned on her. Here she was, talking to a boy. Not often did that happen, she was usually left alone by everyone.

"Me too," Rose replied. A few seconds later, another cup of tea was placed in front of her, the old cup being taken by the boy Rose had looked at a few minutes ago.

"They serve you here? I thought you had to get your drink from the counter." Rose stifled a giggle, pulling Louis' attention towards her.

"He's my brother," She boldly stated. It had been a while since she's told someone so personal; not since the last instance. She shuddered at the memory, but shot a timid smile towards Louis.

"I thought there was a resemblance between you two. What's his name?" Louis asked. Rose contemplated for a few minutes, debating if she should tell him or not. 

"Liam," She answered after a few minutes of an internal debate. "He's twenty-one," She voluntarily shared. Rose couldn't help but notice the feeling she had simply sharied this causal information with someone. 

"And how old are you?" Louis inquired. 

"I'm only twenty." A feeling of adrenaline shot throught her, simply making her smile at the fact that she was doing something so simple, something people did everyday.

"So young," Louis joked. Amusement twinkled in his eyes causing Rose's jaw to drop open in mock hurt. She was starting to warm up to Louis, coming out of her shell. Louis could notice, too, as could Liam who kept an eye on her. It only took two hours.

"Am not. How old are you, then?" Rose questioned. The same amusement that swam through Louis' eyes was swimming through hers. 

"I am twenty-two," He replied cockily making Rose giggle quietly. 

Before either of them could say another word, Liam walked up with keys in his hand and a smile. "Are you ready, Rosie?" He asked. Rose glanced at Louis then back up to her brother before nodding. 

"It was really nice to meet you, Rose." Louis stated with a bashful smile. 

"You, too. I do hope to see you again." Rose stated boldly, a warm blush covering her cheeks as she hastily grabbed her book and tea from the table. 

Rose and Liam started towards the front door, Liam opening it for his little sister. With a final glance towards the table she just left, as well as the boy, Rose came upon the conclusion that this had to have been one of her favorite days.


So here's the first chapter.. The whole thing will be in third person, so I'm sorry if you don't like that.. It's easier to write this in third person. 

If you like it, please VOTE and COMMENT. It would be much appreciated. <3

--Sierra xx

P.S. This is a Christmas present for TheLostTurtle, aka my bestie. It's already Christmas for her! 

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