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Louis stood up from the booth and held out his hand for Rose to take which she obliged. He wrapped his fingers in between hers and pulled her out of the small cafe. "We're going to my house for the marathon," He informed Rose who was too distracted by the tingling feeling in her arm and hand to pay attention to whatever Louis was going on about. She was trying to decipher her jumbled up feelings. "Are you listening, Rose?" Louis asked.

"Huh?" Rose mumbled, coming out of the daze she was in. "Sorry, I was lost in thought. What'd you say?" She asked sheepishly.

"We're going to my house to watch the Batman movies." Louis repeated with a smile. Rose simply nodded in excitement and picked up her pace so Louis was not dragging her along.

"Which Batman movies do you have?" Rose asked after a while. Louis turned his head slightly and grinned at her.

"Just about every movie there is. Went and bought them a while back, well when I first found out about your love for Batman. Watched them all so I could study up on my knowledge." Rose felt a rush of warmth attack her when Louis told her that. Such a simple action, yet it meant the world to her.

"You didn't have to do that, Lou. I could've just told you about them," Rose mumbled, her cheeks a rosy color.

"But then I would've missed out on the amazing movies. They're all pretty good; even the older ones which I was surprised. I quite like the one with Poison Ivy, though. She's pretty hot," He said with a cheeky wink. Rose giggled quietly, bumping her shoulder with Louis'. They walked in silence the rest of the way, Rose unaware of where they were going. She had never been to Louis' house and she was nervous of going. She wasn't nervous about being alone with Louis, she had done that before, but she was nervous about being in his house.

"Poison Ivy is not that pretty. She has a few things going for her, but she isn't that pretty," Rose retaliated, an odd feeling in the pit of her stomach. It was like she was jealous because of a character in a movie.

"Are you jealous? Because of a character in a movie?" Louis asked like he just read the thoughts from her mind. She could not help the light blush that rose to her cheeks. She would not admit to him that she was jealous because she knew he would laugh. "You are!" He exclaimed which made Rose's cheeks turn an even brighter shade of red.

"'m not," she mumbled in a weak attempt to argue back.

"You have no reason to be. She might be hot, but you're beautiful." Rose's stomach did flips at his words. She tried to ignore the feeling as they continued walking, but it was only intensifying. Like going to his house instead of hers changed everything. Like everything would be different now.

"Are we almost there?" She asked much like a little kid would when going on a long trip. One more block and we will be. Patience, babe." Rose could practically hear the smirk on his face even though she wasn't looking directly at him. They walked the last block before Louis pulled her towards his flat. She took one deep breath before walking in before Louis.

It was a quaint little home with a modern style to it. The furniture was a dark gray color with red throw pillows. There was a flat screen right against the wall opposite the couch.

"I really like your place," Rose commented after a minute of looking around, but Louis had already disappeared. She decided to go look for him, which did not take too long in the small flat. "Did you hear me?" Rose asked when she stepped into Louis' room. He was in the midst of looking through all his drawers. His brows were cast downwards and his lips held a small pout.

"What? No, sorry," he said a bit distractedly. Rose walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head on his back. Louis stopped all of his moving around and turned around in her embrace.

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