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"Who was the boy you were talking to?" Liam asked Rose as they walked down the street. The street lamps were the only light source which Rose was glad for as her cheeks were burning red at the mention of Louis.

"Louis," Rose mumbled, fighting to keep the smile off her face. It proved to be hard as her teeth shined through from behind her lips.

"Rosie, do you like him?" Liam teased whilst nudging her ribs. Rose couldn't help but let out a roar of laughter. The person she was with Liam, and the person she was with everyone else were complete opposites from each other. Her personality bubbled though when she was with Liam, the only person she ever fully trusted.

"No!" Rose shrieked, but the red that was spreading up her neck to her ears gave way to the lie even Rose didn't know about. "He's nice, but I don't even know him. You know how I get when I try to talk to people. I can barely speak a word. It was so embarrassing today! I didn't even know what to say, and then he actually almost left." Rose rambled, her arms flailing wildly as she spoke.

"You two talked for two hours. It couldn't have been that bad." Liam insisted, which caused Rose's eyes to widen.

"I did not talk to him for two hours. It couldn't have been more than thirty minutes," Rose mumbled the last part, thinking to herself if it had really been two hours. It couldn't have been two hours. Rose thought to herself.

"Rosie, look at me." Liam stopped and stood in front of Rose. She pulled herself a out of her thoughts and brought her eyes to her brothers. "Louis took the time to talk to you. He stayed even when you were your awkward, natural, quiet self," Rose couldn't help but feel embarrassed by Liam's description of her. "But, despite all of that, he stayed and talked to you for two whole hours. Rosie, he likes you. How long has it been since you actually sat for that long and just talked to someone?" Rose went to open her mouth, but Liam cut her off. "That isn't me?"

Rose looked down at her shoes that were now her biggest interest. "It's been a while," she mumbled. "But it's not like I'm going to see him again. What are the chances that I actually would see him again?" Liam chuckled and shook his head, turning around and continued walking.

"You are naive, Rosie Posie," Liam sing-songed.

"Am not. I'm realistic," Rose shot back huffing in annoyance. It was unfathomable for Rose to think someone could actually want to talk to her.

"Keep talking, Rose, and I'll lock you out." Before Rose could speak, Liam took off down the street at full sprint. Their studio flat was in sight and Rose was determined to beat Liam home. She peeled off the flats she was wearing and ran as fast as she could. The wind whipped Rose's hair behind her, loud giggled escaping from her lips. She couldn't help but feel free, adrenaline rushing through her veins, her legs pumping faster. Before she could reach the front door, Liam was inside doing a little victory dance. "I win again!" He cheered. Rose huffed in defeat, a frown etched on her face.

"You're a cheater," she grumbled, plopping down on the couch. Her arms crossed across her chest and she let out a dramatic sigh. Liam laughed and sat down next to her, poking her sides in an attempt to get her smile. Rose bit her lip to cover the smile that was forcing its way through.

"Don't be grumpy, Rosie. What do you want for dinner? Take out or would you prefer I cook something?" Liam asked. Rose pondered over her options, debating what she wanted to eat.

"Oh! Can we do like old times when we would get pizza and move the furniture and have a little camp out in the living room and watch movies 'till we fall asleep?" Rose asked with hopeful eyes. "We haven't done it since.." Rose wouldn't speak of the event that took place some years ago.

"I think that will be perfect. Go grab all the blankets and pillows we have. I'll order the food and move the furniture." Rose nodded and made her way down the hall, straight to her room to grab the blankets in her closet. "Batman marathon!?" Liam yelled after her.

"You know I won't deny that!" Rose yelled back. She pulled the blankets off her bed and brought them to their living room along with the rest of the blankets she gathered.

"Food should be here in about fifteen minutes. Help me put these blankets down." Rose nodded and grabbed a blanket, laying it down on the floor. Liam lay one down after her and repeating. They set pillows against the couch and settled in. The opening credits for Batman Begins start when the doorbell rang causing Liam to get up from his seat next to Rose.

"Hurry, Liam! The movie's starting!" Rose called, not peeling her eyes from the t.v. screen. The smell of pizza wafted into the living room causing Rose's stomach to grumble.

"We have a guest," Liam said, walking in the living room with a bag of Chinese food in one hand and said guest on the other side.

"Make them leave. It was just supposed to be us, Lili," Rose huffed before turning to Liam and the guest, her breath hitching in her throat as her brown eyes met blue ones.


Wanted to wish all a Merry Christmas! Hope it's a wonderful day <3

--Sierra xx

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