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"So how did it go?" Liam asked that night. Louis was in the shower, Liam letting him stay for Rose's sake.

"It was.. refreshing. We don't really talk about it, and it was good hearing another point of view, but I'm pretty sure I looked like a blubbering fool and I don't know why Louis isn't running for the hills right about now. I would, I mean I'm a mess." Liam chuckled and shook his head, passing Rose the cup of tea he made her.

"The kid loves you. I wouldn't be surprised if he told you any day now." Rose rolled her eyes at his comment, but noticed the strange feeling she got when the idea popped in her head. She was not sure if what she felt for Louis was love, but she enjoyed what it felt like.

"I doubt that. We haven't even known each other that long. How can he love me?" Rose inquired.

"I don't know, but I can see it in his eyes. The way he looks at you like you're his most prized possession." Rose rolled her eyes yet again, not believing a word that fell from Liam's lips. "I'm serious. He gets that glint in his eye when he looks at you, and he's always trying to be right next to you." Then, Liam did the most ridiculous thing ever; he started singing. It was I won't say I'm in love from Hercules.

"You're ridiculous," Rose scoffed, pushing at his chest. They continued to mess around, like brother and sister do, until Louis came out of the shower. He was in a pair of joggers and one of Liam's shirts. His hair was still wet, and he looked extremely attractive.

"I'm going to go to sleep, night Rosie. Louis." Liam walked out of the room, but not before mouthing he loves you to Rose which resulted in yet another eye roll from Rose.

The whole time Louis was in the shower, subconsciously all Rose could think about it whether things between her and Louis would be awkward. It was the only reason she was dreading Louis coming out of the shower. Her thoughts consumed her, and scared her.

"I say we watch every superhero that is in The Avengers, then watch The Avengers all night?" Louis asked excitedly, washing away all the worries Rose had moments before.

"Batman isn't in The Avengers," Rose groaned playfully. "But I guess I'll watch them."

"We can watch Batman afterwards. That is if you can stay up that late." Rose gaped at Louis, offended by the statement.

"Like I can't stay up. Take that back Louis Tomlinson, or I will not hesitate to kick you out of my house," Rose stated with the most serious face she could muster up. It must have been pretty intimidating.

"Fine. I think you can stay up long enough to watch Iron Man, Hulk, Captain America, Thor, The Avengers, and Batman." Rose smiled satisfyingly before standing up and popping in the Hulk. It was not her favorite super hero, probably one of her least favorites, but she still liked it. The movie was over quickly and Captain America was in next. Rose was cuddled against Louis' side. Louis had his arm slithered around her waist and a content smile on his face. Rose could stay like that forever, in Louis' arms. It was somewhere she felt safe and wanted.

"I like this part," She whispered to Louis. It was the part where the Captain went to the base to free all the other soldiers, but while he was there, the bad guy found out and tried to blow up the facility with the Captain inside. She liked how he had to jump across the big gap between the two bridges; the fear of the unknown, of whether he would make it or not. She couldn't help herself, though, when it got to the end. She always wished there was something else the Captain could have done, but there simply wasn't and it broke her heart every time when he was saying goodbye, promising her a dance he would never make it to.

"Thor or Iron Man?" Louis asked, holding up both the movies. Rose contemplated before picking Iron Man. She would save Thor for last since he was the hottest of them all. Half way through the movie, Rose found herself not being able to focus. She tried hard, but simply could not. Her mind was swimming with thoughts that she thought had gone away.

"Louis," She inquired, looking up at the blue eyed boy. He slowly dragged his eyes away from the screen and looked at Rose.


"Is.. Is everything okay, you know, between us?" She mumbled quietly. Louis' face softened significantly.

"Everything's perfect," He whispered. Rose nodded her head, but still had that small ounce of disbelief swimming around. "I mean it, Rose. I'm glad you told me about it. It helps me understand you so much better."

"Okay." She watched the screen again, her mind somewhere else, not the movie. It was the same throughout Thor. Rose was hyper aware of everything, and it irritated her. She didn't like that she was aware of Louis' chest rising and falling slightly, or his shirt softly touching her, or his arm draped over her shoulders, or his fingers that danced along her skin. It drove her insane on the inside, and she didn't like the feeling. She liked Louis being there, but she did not like the feeling of everything. It was overwhelming in its loosest sense.

"You want to go to bed?" Louis asked through a yawn. They had just finished Thor, but it was nearing four in the morning and he could tell they were both really tired. Rose did not want to admit it though, she was adamant on staying up and watching Batman. "You look like you're about to pass out, Rose. In the morning we can watch Batman, but now we sleep." Rose sighed but nodded.

"Carry me?" She asked with a small smile. Louis groaned but obliged, picking her up bridal style. Rose took the opportunity to snuggle into his chest, taking in his natural scent. He always smelled amazing, no matter what.

"Will Liam be mad if I sleep in the bed with you?" Louis asked. Rose giggled quietly and shook her head.

"He'll be okay." Louis nodded and placed her in her bed before sliding in. Rose turned so her body was facing Louis. His eyes were wide open, staring right at her with an emotion she could not quite grasp. It was not something she usually saw in people. "Goodnight, Lou," Rose mumbled, letting her eyes flutter shut. She felt Louis' arm snake around her waist and pull her flush against his chest. She was drifting off into the nothingness when she faintly heard three words that made Rose's heart accelerate and her stomach to tingle. It answered the question of the emotion she saw in Louis' eyes, and proved Liam right.

I love you he said.

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