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"Have fun on your date," Rose shouted to Liam as he walked down the sidewalk and towards the café. She invited Louis over while her brother was out with Sophia, so she would not get lonely.

She still had a good half hour before Louis arrived, so she decided to make something for her to eat. She wandered into the kitchen, her sock-clad feet making it a bit slippery, and looked in the fridge for something that would satisfy her. After looking for a good three minutes, she grabbed the cheese, mustard, and butter to make a quick grilled cheese. Once it was done, she poured herself a glass of water and grabbed an apple then sat down on the breakfast bar. The picked up her book-The Wedding by Nicholas Sparks-and began reading. She had finished The Book Thief this morning and moved on to a new book.

Rose was so enthralled by the book, reading about the relationship of Noah and Allie thirty years after they were married, she did not hear the door knock or her phone ringing. She almost had a mini heart attack when she felt someone put their hand on her shoulder, jumping out of her seat.

"What the hell?" Rose exclaimed with wide eyes, turning to see Louis with an amused smirk on his face.

"I knocked and called, but you didn't answer, so I assumed you were too busy reading to notice anything and let myself in." It amazed Rose how well Louis knew her. "What's the book about?" Louis asked, looking at the cover of it.

Rose snatched it out of Louis' hand and sat down next to him, her body turned towards his. "Well, it's kind of like the sequel to The Notebook, but it's about an old couple who have been married for thirty years and celebrate with their kids and want to have a vow renewal," Rose replied nonchalantly. Louis chuckled slightly, shaking his head.

"You and your books. I swear you're reading a new book everyday." Rose looked up at him with a smile.

"Excuse you, it took me two days to read The Book Thief. Don't be mad because I can finish four books before you've finished one," Rose teased before standing up and walking over to the couch. She was about to turn it on when Louis sat down next to her with his legs crossed and a thoughtful look on his face. "What's up?" Rose asked, turning to face Louis. He opened his mouth then closed it again, repeating the action a few times before actually speaking.

"So I know all the little details about you, and vice versa, but we don't know anything personal," Louis commented casually, but it made Rose's heart sink. She was afraid where this conversation would end up at. "What about your family?" Louis asked. Rose flinched at the mention of her family, and shook her head.

"I don't really like to talk about them," Rose muttered, her stomach twisting at the thought. Neither her or Liam ever talked about it, so she never worried. She did not think about other people wanting to know.

"Why not?" Louis asked utterly confused. She could see the curiosity swimming in his eyes, but still refused to talk. Family was one thing she could never talk about.

"I think it's best you go," Rose mumbled standing from her spot on the couch and walked over to the door.

"Rose, what's wrong?" Louis asked. It seemed as if all he could do was ask questions. "Did I say something?"

"No, you didn't say something. Just, please go?" Rose pleaded. She could not take having to see him with thoughts running through her mind of her family. Louis nodded curtly before walking out of the house, looking back only once.

Rose sat in silence until Liam came home with a wide grin on his face indicating his date with Sophia went over well. He gushed all about her, not sparring a detail. All Rose could do was smile and be happy for her brother. It was a miracle Liam did not notice the fake laugh or the fake smile Rose offered him. She did not feel like she could keep the act up much longer, so with a small smile and a liable excuse, Rose dismissed herself from the living room and into her room.

A few minutes of being in her room, her phone vibrated in her pocket only once. A text from Louis.

I'll see you tomorrow at the café? xx

Rose's stomach flipped again as guilt set in. She knew she should not have just kicked him out.

We can meet now? It's not too late, but that's only if you want to..

She set her phone back down and waited. It seemed to take years, the anticipation of Louis' response eating her alive. She would feel horrible of he did not want to meet today, but then again, she was the one who kicked him out so abruptly.

See you in a few xx

And with that, Rose was to her feet. She slipped on her Vans [outfit in the external link] before shouting a goodbye to Liam and heading towards the café. The giddiness she got whenever Louis was even mentioned filled her stomach and a wide smile to split her face.

When she walked up to the café, she could see Louis in her usual booth with two cups in front him. Her heart warmed at the thought Louis put into their simple little meeting that to most would be unimportant. She walked into the front doors with a shy smile on her face making her way towards the booth.

"Good afternoon, Beautiful," Louis beamed when Rose sat in front of him.

"I hope you don't think that now since we are dating you can just take my booth. It took me a long time for people to understand this is mine," Rose teased, a boost of confidence running through her. It seemed that whenever Louis was around this newfound confidence came to surface.

Louis feigned hurt before a cheeky grin split his face. "When is it acceptable to be graced with taking your booth when you aren't here?"

"Never," Rose responded bluntly throwing Louis off.

"Don't be that way, Babe," Louis pouted. "Can I at least have it on Wednesday's?" Rose shook her head with a small smile.

"Sorry, Lou. Mine and mine only," Rose winked, but Louis did not laugh like she thought he would. He seemed to be holding back, but she could see it in his eyes.

Oh say it: you love me 😊
Only reason I updated this is because I'm sitting in my mothers car while she deals with some problems and I don't want to go inside because I have a really bad temper and I'll end up saying something and getting in trouble and no one wants that. So I wrote this, a little something to keep you busy for now. I want to apologize though for my short chapters. I've never been good at writing long chapters, but I'm going to start putting effort into my writing. It's not something I would peruse as a career, but it's a nice way to pass time. And to forget about how messed up everything really is.

Alright. Now you've got a long authors note, so I think I'll go do something slightly more productive.


--Sierra xx

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