Chapter 21

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything. All content is based off of "Sword Art Online" and their owners.

Note: This story happens after the whole thing, therefore it means it happens when Kirito is re-defeating Aincrad with his friends.

September 30th 2028 5:10 Floor 55 Granzam HQ

Klein stood on the other side of the small aisle that had been made through the crowd, across from Recon. Suddenly, they both raised their arms, shrugged, jumped up, and cartwheeled toward the piano as Schmitt and Agil walked in, Kirito sitting on their shoulders, in the same white suit he had worn, on July Fourth. Suddenly something that had been about to die, something Asuna knew would have died permanently once she had snapped out of her stupor, was brought back to health, and her heart started pounding, as against her ribs and chest, as if trying to get out. When they reached halfway, Kirito started singing. Asuna's eyes widened, blushing. In another doorway, Sinon, Leafa, Lisbeth, and Silica high fived at her reaction. Reaching the piano, Klein and Recon leaned against the piano as Schmitt and Agil placed Kirito down on the seat and he started playing. Talken, Tecchi and Jun walked in, with white, blue and pink roses, kneeling down in front of the piano. Asuna moved her hand up to her mouth to keep sounds from coming out, tears slipping, overwhelmed that Kirito was alive, that all of this, this huge real life musical he had done just for her. Kirito got up, Recon sliding into his place immediately playing a bunch of much fancier, much prettier chords as Kirito sang and walked down the aisle slowly towards Asuna. Everyone started clapping to the beat as Kirito continued singing the best he could, hoping his voice didn't crack embarrasingly. Finally reaching Asuna, Kirito kneels down, and somebody from the crowd passes him a red rose. Kiouchirou. He had somehow snuck a rose in while Asuna wasn't looking. In fact, he had somehow snuck in during the chaos itself and she hadn't noticed. Kirito sang the final part, kneeling and holding out the red rose to her, "Kwaranaii... Arigatou..." Then taking another breath, as the last note rang out, he said in a soft voice, "Happy birthday, Asuna."

Asuna lets out a small sound, tears slipping like crazy. Then she launches herself at Kirito, tackling him in a hug that sends him onto his back. She nestles her head into his chest, not caring anymore about everyone else. Stroking her hair, Kirito announced, "Thanks everyone for helping! Everyone's off for the rest of the day, until tomorrow morning!" Slowly, Asuna heard the footsteps leave, and the "happy birthday"s and murmured goodbyes. She heard Leafa, Lisbeth, Sinon, and Silica come over and she was pretty sure they mouthed something to Kirito, but Asuna didn't look up from her safe and warm place in his arms. Finally, as the door closed behind the four girls, Kiouchirou laughed, "I guess you liked your present, huh? Ah well. I'll have to tell Yui! Anyways, I expect you to come for dinner to make up for your birthday dinner. Mom and dad and Yui expects you to come too." With that, he walked out to, the sound of the door closing resounding in the hall.

Only then, does Asuna pull her head, up to look at him. Instead of saying anything romantic, she said, "Idiot. Now rumors will be flying like crazy." Kirito laughed. That's what he expected. That's his Commander, his Asuna. "No. The girls planned it so that Eugened started charging from inside, and the Liberation Army members from today are all followers of Thinker and Yulier. Nobody outside will know. There was only about twenty people here other than our friends,"Kirito answered, removing his hand from her hair, and to her face. "You do know I can't top this on your birthday right?"Asuna asked. Kirito grinned, "You carrying my children is already a great birthday present." Asuna blushed, just a tinge of red on her cheeks. That rendered Asuna speechless. Instead she just nestled her head into his chest again, before whispering against the fabrics against his chest, "Don't do that again. I almost lost myself. I was terrified beyond anything I've ever experienced." Kirito tilted his head so that his cheek was against hers. "Yeah. I know. That's what it was like back in SAO,"he replied softly. Asuna lifted her head and kissed him on the cheek before thanking him. Then she asked, "How about we move this off the floor and up to my room? I'd hate for you to have back pains before you even turn twenty one years of age." Kirito laughed, then used his back strength to get both of them up, then hooked his arms under Asuna, and standing up, forcing her to wrap her arms around his neck and let out a small squeal of surprise. He was carrying her, bridal style. He hadn't even done that on their wedding night, in SAO or ALO.

October 1st 2028 6:30 Floor 55 Granzam HQ

Meetings were grueling. Meetings were even more greuling, if you were Asuna, on this particular day. As they rounded up the usual reports and commands, Asuna announced before everyone could pack their stuff and get ready to leave, "The last thing is that, as of January 1st, both I and the Vice-Commander, Kazuto Kirigaya, will be officially retiring from our positions. We will still attend meetings, but instead, we are going to be working as the head of the new Research Department, in the YUI, standing for Yuuki University and Institute, we are building on the 48th floor in Lindarth. Half of this building will be a school for children, and the other half for research. The project is currently being funded by RECT, and owned 20% by Kiouchirou Yuuki to fund the project."

That really got everyone's attention. Everyone knew what RECT was. Former business men all knew how hard it was to strike a deal with them. The fact that the Commander and the Vice-Commander who led them into so many battles were giving up their positions at the top, could also mean possible chaos for Aincrad, and nobody could imagine the Beserk Healer and Black Swordsman living a peaceful life as scientists and teachers. However, some also saw in the two of them, a young mann and woman. Just out of adolescence. Not much older than kids. Klein was the first to speak, "You didn't even tell me about that, Kirito, man! I mean, what if the new commander is mean and horrid?" Kirito smiled, and reassured, "I will be taking a few of the council members with me over to that division, which will still work directly with the council. In addition, the Commander will hand pick a Commander and Vice-Commander. As a cautious action, the new rule is that, if 2/3 of the counsel vote to overthrow the new Commander or Vice Commander, they will vacate their position and leave the counsel immediately." Kirito let the counsel members absorb this information. "Oh, and can Thinker, Yulier, Schmitt, Klein, Agil, Lisbeth, Sinon, Leafa, Recon, and Eugene stay behind?"Asuna added as people started leaving. About half the counsel stayed behind. "What's up?"Klein asked as the last of the other counsel members left. "As you heard before, we are choosing a new commander and vice commander. We are also offering some of you to transfer to the YUI,"Kirito explained. "Recon, Klein, and Sinon are the first choices for the positions of YUI, although there are a few more positions. Nagata, you are good at magic and dark magic, as well as know games really well. Klein, you have a natural sense of humor all the time, which isn't always a good thing, but we'd like you to try to teach students in a friendly manner. Sinon, you are nice beyond any capacity, as you still felt remorse, and you still cared about Shinkawa. We want you to be a teacher as well,"Asuna announced. "Based on your behaviour in the next few months, we will announce the positions we have to offer for you, in the meeting before Christmas. Note that anyone here can be chosen as Commander and Vice Commander, that you are welcome to reject these offers, and the positions we think you should be in now can change according to how you act." Then Asuna dismissed them.

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