Chapter 22

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Disclaimer: I do not own anything. All content is based off of "Sword Art Online" and their owners.

Note: This story happens after the whole thing, therefore it means it happens when Kirito is re-defeating Aincrad with his friends.

October 7th 2028 6:30 Floor 55 HQ

Kirito wakes up at usual time, yawns, and swings off the bed. A peice of paper catches his eyes on the bedstand.

I'll be waiting for you tonight at 7:30 at Weathercock Pavilion. You should still help Klein with lunch anyways. I'll be gone the whole day.


Smiling, in anticipation of his birthday present, and wondering what she could possibly want at Weathercock Pavilion. He hoped she wasn't doing anything too stressful. Or standing up too much. Stretching one last time, he changes, and gets ready for a day of work.

Floor 61 Selmburg

Meanwhile, as Kirito is preparing for day, Asuna walks into the apartment with eight bags of grocery. Enough for a week. Sinon eyes it as she sits in the dining room chair. "Are you sure you want to spend your whole day in the kitchen preparing all that?"Sinon asked. "I'll be fine,"Asuna reassured. Sinon shrugged. Then she promptly pulled out a tablet, the tablet she had received the life changing message on telling everyone that Aincrad was now a reality. It really fit well in their pockets, much smaller than the android phones in 2028, but worked exactly the same. "You have my number, right?"Sinon asked. Asuna nodded. "Okay. Call me if anything happens. Even if you just get a funny feeling,"Sinon told her. "Gee, Sinon. I adore you as a friend, but you're even more protective over me than Kirito,"Asuna laughed teasingly. Sinon smiled, waved a goodbye and walked out the door.

October 7th 2028 7:30 P.M. Floor 35 Weathercock Pavilion

The wind was getting a bit colder, as the year aged. Kirito rubbed his hands together as he walked up to the door of the pavilion. I push the heavy wood doors, and walk into the mostly dark room. A candle lights a small round table in the middle of the room. It is piled with food, surrounding a package wrapped in a brown, unappealing wrapper. Around the book was the candle, a dark and fancy bottle, two empty wine glasses. Sitting at the table, was Asuna with Yui on her knee, leaning against Asuna's stomach. Asuna smiled, a bright smile. "Daddy!"Yui yelled in glee, and jumped of her mother, running to tackle her dad. "Yui!"Kirito replied in the same manner, grabbed her under her arms and swung her around in a circle before setting her down next to Asuna, and sitting on the other side of Yui. "Aren't you supposed to be with your Uncle Kiouchirou, and grandparents, Yui?"Kirito asked. "I picked Yui up after preparing the feast. We set this up together,"Asuna answered. Indeed, feast was definitely the right word for it.

"Let's eat, then! No need to let good food go to waste!"Yui said, and digging in, grabbing the chicken leg first, and then some of the cheesecake, a peice of almond pie, potato wedges, and a juice box Asuna had brought just for Yui. Before digging in himself, Kirito gave Asuna a smile that told her everything. How thankful he was, and how happy she was making him. Asuna gave him a smile, back and watched him dig in, before starting to eat some of the food she had cooked in a more polite manner, as her daughter and husband wolfed down the feast. A while later, Yui grabbed a napkin and wiped off her face, her hands still coated in gravy, oil, and sweet syrup from some of the desserts. Patting her on the head, Asuna suggested, "Why don't you go into the bathroom and wash it off?" Yui nodded and ran off to wash her hands. 3/4 of the food originally on the table was gone. Kirito had stopped eat, and had wiped the oils and sauces from his lips. He was more experienced than Yui at wolfing food down, and therefore more neat, but it didn't make wolfing down anything any better.

Asuna glanced at the door that Yui went through, and then leaned across the table to grab the parcel in the middle, and then sat down where Yui was sitting. Kirito smiled, and pulled her onto his map. His breath smelled like gravy. "Here. I open it while she's still in the bathroom. I think it's sort of a thing for you and me to cherish,"Asuna told him as she handed him the parcel. As he started to tear at an edge, she added, "I'm sorry I didn't have time to get more appealing wrappings." Kirito discarded the wrapper on the floor behind him, and looked at the book in his hands. The leather cover was just as unappealing as the wrapper. Nothing was written on it. It was about 12 inches tall, and 9 inches wide with about 500 thick pages. It was bigger than regular books. Kirito opened to the first page, and sucked in a breath. The first picture was the day they met, with the date under it. It was just a random picture of the moment they met from Asuna's perspective, on the meeting. Kirito flipped to the second page, and then kept flipping. Each page held six pictures in neat rows, with dates under them, of every single time they had seen each other. The last picture of SAO was of him standing up to Kayaba. It didn't end there. After that was the same thing, except it wasn't every day. It was every picture he had ever taken with Asuna inside and outside of the games, sometimes inside with Yui, sometimes outside.

Kirito looked up at Asuna, mouth open, in an O. Eyes glistening with tears, she whispered, "This is permanent. It can't be deleted by just pressing a button." Kirito gently places the photo album on the chair at the other side of him, and hugs Asuna, before kissing her. He pulls away, and whispers, "Thank you Asuna. You gave me everything I wanted tonight." Asuna smiles, and pulls him in by the collar, until their lips met, in a heated kiss, as if battling for control. But it is also her, who pulls away a fraction of an inch. Any subtle movement and their lips would meet again. "Yui will be coming out soon. We don't want her to see our PDA,"Asuan reasoned against his pout, and pushed away, sliding back onto her chair as the door to the bathrooms opened, and Yui walked back into the room, and hopped onto her stool.

Yui turned to Kirito, and told him, "I wanna give you my present now!" She hopped back off the chair, and walked over to the bags on the other chair, and pulled out from a duffel bag, a sweater. To be exact, a black sweater, with two swords crossing each other, one black and one white sword, and the words, Daddy proffesionally sewn on the chest of the sweater. Yui walked back over, hopped on the stool and handed Kirito the sweater. "How did you do this?"Kirito asked in amazement. "One day, I asked them for ideas for Daddy's birthday present that I could afford, and Grandpa Shouzou said to draw a picture of what I wanted to give Daddy on a paper, then put it under my pillow that night when I went to sleep. This is what I draw. When I woke up, this was at the end of my bed,"Yui explained. Kirito blinked once, twice, and a third time before laughing and patting Yui on the head. "Thanks Yui. Thanks Asuna. I love all four of you,"Kirito said, getting up and pulling both Asuna and Yui into a tight hug.

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