First questions!!

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CookieRockz: Yes this is for Emma. The first day you meet Jacob you hated his guts. The next day when you were showing him the show you guys were putting on you started flirting with him the very next day. So how can you go from hating his guts to flirting with him in less then I don't know 12 hours since you took him home at night and he came back in the morning?

Emma: o////o

When I swore off dating I let nothing get to me. But when I met Jacob I refused to believe anything. Now, don't get me wrong, I used to not believe in all this sappy stuff, that is Millard's thing. But, seeing Jacob was like love at first sight.

Wait, ewww, that sounds so cliche.

Put it this way, I felt that feeling you get when you know someone is special and you know to not let that person go.

Ughhh, that sounds worse.

You understand, right?


minxaddams: Why didn't Enoch talk about how he first found out about his peculiarity? What happened?

Enoch: Well, when I was a kid, I was always, peculiar. I was the weird kid none talked to. So this made me get a pet frog and be really close.

Why a frog? Well, I was a weird kid...

When I found out a kid ran over my frog with his bike I was heartbroken.

I found my frog on the ground, all the guts splattered around, ad being the weird kid I am, I picked him up.

I held my frog and wished for him to come back to life, and to my surprise, he did.

The rest is history.


CookieRockz: I have a question for Jacob and Millard. They can both answer this one. Is it possible for Jacob to control a wight *GASPS* now you might be thinking no that is impossible he can only control hollows but hear me out. A wight is a hollow but in human form. So it is still a hollow just like how ice is still water but is in a different form. So if you think about it it could be possible for Jacob to control a wight?

Jacob: Ummmm, uhhhhh, you see... The thing is...


Millard: A hollow is not in control of their body, the wight controls them. So the only other person able to control them would be Jacob and Abe. You see, when a hollow converts into a wight, they are normal. They, themselves, are now in control of their body, not any wight or peculiar.

It is simple really.


Have a wonderful day, and stay peculiar!


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