Questions #8

733 26 83

katelyngw: Question for Fergus and Cesaria (of The Tales): are you guys together? I don't care if you are because I ship it... you get it? Ship...because they sail... wow I need a life!

Me: Sorry, I have not gotten to that part in the book yet, I am trying to preserve the stories as much as I can by taking my time to read them. In other words, I have been watching too much anime...


hlyf2005: A question for everyone, what is the stupidest and most ridiculous thing you have ever said or done

Millard: Nothing, I'm perfect! (Enoch: Except for that one time when you got shot...)

Jacob: Not kiss Emma the moment I saw her.

Emma: See something in that Jacob. (Jacob: Haha, you know you love me.)

Hugh: Well, giving a real answer, I was in seventh grade, and I saw a cute girl. (This is before he got the bees.) I don't know why, but I walked up to her and started to ask her out, but in another language. I guess I didn't know I was speaking the wrong language, so she looked at me like I was an alien. I just stood there like a dork and she walked away.

Fiona: Well, I was young, like six, and I really wanted to go to the orchard near my house. However, I wasn't allowed to go alone, so I went with my mom. When we got there I fell asleep in the field and when I got up I thought I was in a dream. So I just went around yelling and got lost.

Enoch: Reviving Martin......

Horace: Start myself a fan page. Those fangirls are needy... (*cough RACHEL cough*)

Bronwyn: Well, when I was young, this kid was making fun of my brother, and I may have punched that kid in the face...... a couple times...... with all my strength...

Olive: Accidentally untie myself from the rope around my waist. I may have yelled until someone noticed me in the trees. (Notice me senpai!)

Claire: Share my backmouth for show and tell. They said it was fake and then I kind of, sort of, maybe, bit some kids...... I was never allowed in that school again...


stillinksi_24: This one is for Millard: WILL YOU HUG MEEEEEE?!

Millard: No.


Roryroo: This questions is for Millard:Do you have a crush on anybody?If so who is it?

Millard: Like I said, I am too busy to be dating anyone. The ships need me!!!


alwaysda: Do you think Fiona is alive?... Coz she might have aged forward even if she landed ok...:(

Me: I'm guessing this is for me, but oh well. AND I HAVE TO! THE SHIP MUST GO ON!

Hugh: *sobs*



Millard: No.


Haii! So I am almost done with my end of course exams, and I am soooooo happy! A quick question, has anyone been listening to Hamilton, bacause it has been a week of just Hamilton music for me and I'm pretty sure it's unhealthy. I also can't believe we reached 1k on this book! Thank you guys so much! I really love getting all these questions that always make my day (Millard's responses.....). Anyways, have a wonderful day, and stay peculiar. 


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