Chapter One: The Basement

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It's not easy being a child. It's not easy when you live with a deadbeat guy who loathes around watching TV all day and a little girl who is blind in one eye. "Rachel!" Mrs. Hemsworth called out from downstairs. "Come down for lunch!"

Rachel. Poor little Rachel dreaded coming out of her room. She tires greatly from the constant arguing between her parents. She wishes she could eat in her room but being only nine years old she could not. With a sigh, young Rachel walked down the stairs in her yellow dress and a red bow that rested in the middle of her shirt. With each step down those wooden stairs, she wishes her birth father was alive instead of having a John.

John lowers his newspaper as Rachel walks by. She doesn't look at him which quickly pisses off John. "You don't know how to say hello, girl?" His voice is gruff and dark. His face resembles the face of an angry wrestler when he's heated up. His lip moves up, exposing two of his teeth. He always stares at the poor girl like he's disgusted.

"Hello." She says in a small voice. Rachel takes a seat then places a napkin over her thighs. 

"Fix your face, John." Martha Hemsworth scowls. "Before it gets stuck like that."

John tosses his newspaper onto the floor then picks up a fork. "Shut up, woman. Where's my breakfast?"

"Make your damn food, John. You ain't handicap." Martha says. 

He smiles and looks at Rachel. "Yeah, I'm not handicap. Only Rachel gets an easy pass because she can't see. Aint that right blind bandit." He laughs, exposing his uneven and rotting teeth. After he gets out of his seat, he walks over to the grits that are boiling in a pot and spits in them.

Rachel slowly balls up the napkin and places it onto the table knowing she would miss another lunch. Martha takes the grits and knocks it onto the floor before walking out of the kitchen. Rachel grabs a piece of toast of the table and heads for the front door.  As you can see, breakfast was served for lunch. It is very common in this family. The Hemsworth don't have a lot of money. They must spend their money very carefully and make things last.

Let's get back to Rachel. She intends to play outside but the universe had other plans for her.  As Rachel opens the door a cat truffles inside. It meows at her then walks down the hallway and turns in the opposite direction of the kitchen. As a lover of animals, Rachel follows. When she follows the fluffy white creature it stops and sits in front of the white door. A door that Rachel never seemed to notice in her three years living there.

The door is cracked in the middle and it's made of splintery wood as if it was made to keep you out of it. As a kid, you are constantly curious about the world and what's around you. That's why when the cat ran out of the house, young Rachel didn't hesitate to enter the basement...

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