Chapter Eleven: Rachel's Father

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Kids who are afraid to sleep with their legs and hands hanging off the bed are the smart ones. Kids sense things adults don't care to consider. John's arm hung off the bed as he slept like a baby. His loud snores irritate Georgie. He stands next to John. Smiling in the darkness. His hundreds of sharp teeth are showing and his right eye is yellow. Remember when both his eyes would turn yellow? Maybe that's before he switched Rachel's eye with his.

Hands reach out of Georgie's throat and pull John inside. It only takes the blink of an eye before John's feet are trembling as they go down Georgie's mouth, only to be devoured into the darkness of the strange creature.

Walking into the room now is a man. He lays next to Martha then slides the blanket over him. His eyes are hidden by dark shades but his features resemble Rachel's father. Martha would wake up to a big surprise.


Martha's screams send Rachel flying into her mother's room. She walks in to see Martha sloppily  holding a telephone in her hand. "Get out, or I'm calling 911!" she screams doing her best to stay against the wall. She takes notice of Rachel and yells at her to get back in her room.

Rachel doesn't back away. She knows that curly short brown hair anywhere. "Dad!" she says running into his arms.

"Rachel!" he says taking her in his arms. "Hey, little princess." That's what he use to call her. Little princess. She's holding onto him tight.

Martha drops the phone. It never occurred to her that would be her ex-husband. "Christopher?" Martha whispers. Her hand is trembling. She recognizes the hair, his body structure, and his clothes. She just doesn't recognize the black sunglasses.

"Why are you wearing those silly glasses, daddy?" she reaches for them but her father  abruptly stops her before she can touch them. "I can't take off my glasses. My eyes are sensitive to the light."

"Where's John?" Martha says still trembling. Neither of them says anything as Martha looks around. Whenever she looks at Christopher, she gets this expression like she's seen a ghost or something.  "I'm going to find John." She then walks out of the room.

Rachel doesn't care. She's just happy she has her father back.

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