Chapter Seven: Trade

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Rachel smiles as she hears John snoring. That means he's sound asleep. She slides out of bed, carefully and quietly. On her way downstairs, she notices an empty bottle of liquor standing up. She frowns at it. I don't think anyone hated alcohol as much as Rachel does. It amazes her how many people consumes that garbage. Why it's the reason her very own mother can't seem to control her emotions. It's the reason her stepfather's beatings get harder. So she disliked alcohol and promised herself she would never do it when she grows up.

Rachel didn't bother taking the flashlight this time. She just goes straight to the basement hoping no one will catch her. It's dark and she can't see anything but she knows exactly where the box is. Her arms are out and she feels around until she finds the box.

"Rachel..." Georgie's voice is dry again and Rachel takes notice.

"I think you need more blood," Rachel says sitting down close to the box.

"Yes, but I don't like to beg," he says.

Rachel feels her arm. "Just use mine again."

"Are you sure?"

"We're friends remember." she pulls up her sleeves then holds her arm out. "I can't see but here-" Before she can finish her sentence, Georgie is already sucking her blood. This time Rachel feels his teeth sink in and it's so painful she can't draw back her arm.

"Urg, stop it!" she whines. "It hurts!"

Georgie stops. "Ahhh," He says. "I'm sorry. Your wounds have healed and I needed to make an opening."

She placed her hand over the bite marks to stop the bleeding. "But you hurt me," she says. "Friends don't hurt each other."

"I'm...I'm sorry," Georgie says. His tone is clear again.

"Sorry, I didn't come down in two days. My parent's grounded me," she says.

"They're such horrible people," Georgie says.

"My mom isn't. She just drinks and smokes. John is horrible." she closes her eyes because the darkness is beginning to worry her. Dark shadows shift here and there, it's a site determined to make you think twice about sitting in the dark like that.

"I bet you miss your father, don't you?" he asks her.

Rachel missed her father more than anything. It hurt her each day knowing her father would never say goodnight again, read her a story, or hug mommy when she was down. She didn't have the perfect life with her father but at least he loved her. Now where was the love?

"I miss him so much," she replies.

Georgia cackles, something Rachel never heard him do before. She opens her eyes, now disturbed by his weird laugh. It sounds like a dying hen squawking over and over. She wonders why he's laughing.

"I have an idea," he says. "I can bring your father back if you give me John."

Rachel loves the idea but was it really that simple. "How will you do that?" she asks.

"Magic," he says. "Just bring him down here and leave the rest to me." he cackles again.

"Will something bad happen to John?" she asks him.

"No. Of course not. I promise." 

Rachel can't see it but Georgie's smiling wide and his eyebrows are arched down and he has this sinister sneaky look on his face. Would something bad happen to John?

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