Chapter Thirteen: School

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The next day, Rachel's mother leaves early in the morning to go grocery shopping, leaving Rachel with Christopher. Georgie calls Rachel's name from downstairs. She opens her eyes wearily then slowly crawls out of bed. She drags herself to the basement, leaving the door open so she could see inside.

"What?" she says looking at the floor. She isn't so happy to see him. Why, if he hadn't stop calling her name she would have never gone down there. Part of her is getting annoyed with Georgie, but when you're a kid you do your best not to disappoint anyone.

"How are you, my friend?" Georgie asks. He's sitting next to the box,  fiddling with a plastic cup.

"I'm tired," Rachel says rubbing her eyes.

"I could really use your company," Georgie says. Rachel sits down in front of him. He has a wild smile on his face that sends chills down Rachel's spine. "So, how's Christopher?"

"Good," Rachel says. "He wants me to start school soon. We talked about it yesterday."

Georgie does that weird cackling sound again. "That sounds wonderful! Imagine all the friends you could make. All the friends..." he cackles in mid sentence. "You can invite over."

Rachel nods. "But what if they don't like me?"

Georgie pats her thigh. "You will make many friends. Why, you are amazing."

"Thanks," she says then fiddles with her fingers.

"You look sad. What's wrong?" he asks.

Rachel sighs. "Nothing." she stands up. "I'm going upstairs." Before she turns around Georgie grips her hand. It's no loose grip either. It's a firm grip.

"Rachel, you would never leave me right?" he asks in a low voice.

Rachel's eye wide and shes feeling a little uneasy right now. She looks at him and shakes her head real slowly. He lets her go and she quickly runs up the stairs and slams the door.

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