Chapter Twenty-Two: The End

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Rachel sits in front of the front door thinking and watching the cars speed past her house. Before she went outside, she had asked her parents about school. They told her that she would go tomorrow.

Here's the thing that concerned Rachel's mother in the past. Martha couldn't afford for her daughter to attend school, second, she didn't want her daughter in school. Martha preferred homeschool. 

Rachel peeks inside the house and there they are. Martha and John is standing there blankly watching the door. Making sure Rachel does not leave. They weren't her parents and Rachel knew it. Rachel couldn't run away either. 

The poor little girl began to sob. The world before her seems so surreal. Everything feels fake. She wipes her tears and stands up. She begins walking towards the street.

There's a car speeding into the distance and Rachel watches it as it draws closer. Once it's close enough, she walks in front of the street. The car is too late to curve, turn, or stop. Rachel falls to the ground immediately. She feels her life, leaving her. A young girl exiting the world so young. Rachel didn't mind, she had lost everything already. What was worse than her situation before she died?

I'll tell you what's worse. What's worse is  that she carried the eye of Georgie and the eye of Bella. She should have listened to her parent's warning about Georgie. If she had done so this wouldn't have had happened.

Rachel believed in an afterlife but not the afterlife that awaits her. She wakes up and finds herself in a room. A string dangles from the ceiling and she pulls it. The lights come on and she finds herself in a basement. All of a sudden her thirst for something kicks in and she needs it terribly. She needs it so bad she starts growling. Her skin that was once smooth now turns gray, wrinkly, and dry. Her teeth sharpens and her ears stretch out. Rachel could only wonder why and how could she have let this happen to her? And why was she so damn thirsty for...blood?

Rachel tried her best to exit the basement, but she couldn't get the door open. Behind the door, she hears sounds. Sounds coming from a young little boy. She smiles while sniffing out his scent. It smells delightful. The parent's call the boy's name. His name is Luther.

Rachel awaits Luther. She can't wait to taste him. Not only him but the other children who will enter the basement. She crawls inside her own box and waits for her next meal. Somewhere behind her, she can hear Georgie crying and telling her that he only tried to protect her. That he only wanted to be her friend.

You can't always protect the curious child. They will always be suspicious, break promises, take risks, and give in to peer pressure. Let them do that, but whatever you do, keep them away from the basement. You'll never know when your siblings or children may find their very own Georgie.

The End

Okay guys, sorry it was so short, but like I said before, it is a short story. Questions like what was Georgie in the first place? How did he get this way?  Those will be answered in my new book GEORGIE. Be patient! It will be released soon:) Thanks for reading! I'm sorry that it was so short and I hope I didn't disappoint anyone:(

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