Chapter Nineteen: His Property

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The creature behind the fridge didn't need bulk, her muscles are many times stronger than her human prey. She is little more than a wisp of a creature with diminutive limbs. Her skin is wrinkled like a dry prune and thick like leather, she was bipedal with long arms and a small head with an elongated muzzle like a wolf. In her jaws were inch long teeth, serrated like a steak knife. She could not articulate at all except a growling snarl, having little use for communication.

"Where is he," she growls so hard that Rachel can barely understand. "Kevin!" She hisses getting on all fours. Unlike Georgie, she has four purple tentacles swaying out of her back.

Rachel's too scared to talk. The poor girl pees herself. This creature is way scarier than Georgie. It lashes one tentacle at her, leaving a cut on her arm. She put her hand over it. No matter how many times Rachel had gotten beat by John, it never stung that much.

"Kevin!" It yells, bringing up its other tentacle. Rachel closes her eyes, preparing for the next whip. Only this time she hears it whip its tentacle, but not against her. When she opens her eyes, she sees Georgie in front of her holding his own arm out, protecting Rachel.

Georgie bites her tentacle and she recoils away from him. "Do not touch her, Bella."

"Georgie," she says, her voice making a little clicking noise as she spoke his name. "Where's Kevin!"

Georgie opens his mouth revealing the remains of Kevin's severed head. All four of Bella's tentacles dance in the air as she hisses at Georgie. Bella grabs Rachel with one tentacle and Georgie with another. Rachel falls flat on the ground gladly missing the steps. Georgie falls next to her but quickly gains strength again. He presses his hand over Rachel's heart to feel if she's breathing. He quickly places her underneath his box while she's unconscious. 

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