The Sorting

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I have been way inactive recently. It was mainly school stuff but anyways never mind. My sc and insta are livpop05 if you wanna follow. I am hoping to upload some chapters more frequently because I feel really guilty for not uploading in ages. The story continues...


We all walked through the doors to the great hall. It was amazing. There was a night sky ceiling, but I'd read in books that it was only an enchantment. It was a bit disappointing, but I loved it all the same.

We were told that one by one, our names would be called, and we would put the sorting hat on our head. We'd wait until it shouted out one of the four houses, and then join that table. It began:

"Ahmed, Hannah:Ravenclaw!"

"Collins, Jonathan:Hufflepuff!"

Et cetera, until it got to:

"Emerson, Daniel:Slytherin!"

"Jones, April,"

There was a pause.

"Slytherin!" There was loud cheering from the Slytherin table.

"Mayweather, Brooklyn: Hufflepuff!"

"Maza, Elijah: Slytherin!"

"Roa, Nico: Gryffindor!" I was shocked, Gryffindor? Nico?

"Star, Amy,"

I walked shyly up.

While the hat was on my head, all I was thinking was, please be with Daniel, please Slytherin. My heart was thumping. And the hat said:


I heaved a sigh of relief. And guess what? Daniel hugged me! I was with Daniel and April, now only Summer to go.

"Waters, Summer,"

I held my breath:


I cheered, and her face broke into a smile. We were all together. This was even better than I could have imagined.

But I couldn't get over the fact that Nico was in Gryffindor. It was weird. When he was sorted into that house, he smiled a proper smile, from his eyes, but I thought he would want to be with me. I guess I was wrong. I really did like him as a friend. I suddenly started daydreaming:

There was a fifth house, it was for the difficult to place, and we were all in it:Me, Daniel, Nico, Summer and April. There were a few others, but we fitted in perfectly. I loved our house but then I got interrupted by Daniel, but it felt good to finally be able to say his name.

"I'd like to speak to you," he said.

"Okay..." was my reply.


I have incorporated something different into this part of the story, but not many will be able to spot it at first, maybe later it will become more obvious, but I don't want to spoil it.❤️

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