Chapter 7

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Adam's POV {I might call him that from now on ;D}

I opened my eyes slowly and sat up. I fell asleep right next to the glass. The sun was just coming up. I hoisted myself down the vines. Once I made sure I had a good footing, I jumped down. I landed on the floor with a thud. I silently grabbed my backpack and stone sword. { that's 66 words..  ORDER 66} I looked down at Rose, she looked so peaceful in her sleep, so happy. I needed it to stay that way. I strode towards the door, when i was standing right in front of the double doors, I looked back. I knew this was going to hurt Rose, and the team, but i had to make sure they were all alive and happy. I had to do something my mother told my to do a long time ago. Something I haven't wanted to do. So i took a step into the sunshine, and walked away.

Rose's POV

I woke up with a start, i just heard the doors open. I grabbed Fredrick and ran to the doors. I slammed them open and poked my head outside. Nothing, strange. I calmed down and went back to my sleeping bag and started to rap things up. It was already about noon by the light in the room. I shoved my supplies (except Fredrick of course) in the backpack and set to work to wake up everyone else. Everyone was awake 5 minutes later, except for Adam. In fact, now that I give it a thought, he wasn't even downstairs. I climbed up the vines and poked my head out the top. He was nowhere to be seen. I felt a tear slide down my cheek, Adam had left alone. My first ally, had abandoned me.

A/N Staph giving me that look. I know this was short so i'm gonna post another chapter later. :3

I'm thinking of starting another novel later....GIMME IDEAS PEOPLE. Also do you think I should put song recommendations for the chapter? Also I have a picture of Rose on the side!

Thanks for reading my lovelies.




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