Chapter 11

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A/N So, I decided to not go with the "About Time" story, BUT start another one instead but I still need a damn main character. YOU GUYS DON'T FREAKING COMMENT JEEZ. Anywho..the song for this chapter is

Rose's POV

I awoke with the sound of chatter, it was the middle of the night and none was awake. I carefully sat my self up. So that my back wouldn't hurt, but to my surprise, it was all healed. What day was it? How long have we been out here? I wondered. I did the math in my head. The games started in December and they were about a week in when the force field broke. So i'm guessing it's about mid-January now? Might as well ask when everyone else wakes up.

I stood up, finnaly. I was getting tired of just laying down on an uncomfortable blanket. I walked around our little campsite for the first time. We had a little meeting area with a logs in the middle for fire, with little leaf blankets as seats surronding it. Then surronded by that were assonrtments of our supplies, swords, axes,bows,food and drank dank. Then past all of that were the healthy part of the team, which was Adam and Mitch. I expected Ash to be there, but then remembered she left.

I also kept looking for Jerome, he wasn't where I was sleeping or where everyone else was. I walked past Mitch's head as I headed toward the large willow tree, as I remembered Jerome was there when I last saw him. I just about reached the tree, when I looked around. It was beautiful. The tree had lush green leaves and the weeping willow branches were swayed to one side, so some of the branches were touching the water of a clear blue lake. With lilliepads here and there, you could just already imagine all the wildlife around here. I turned the corner around the trunk when I bumped into someone, head first.

I fell back with a thud landing on my bottom. It was Jerome that I bumped into.

Jerome's POV

I was about to leave the peaceful spot where I had basically slept, and woken up to. When I turned around the trunk to the direction camp was. I bumped head first into someone. I fell back, I was dizzy. I could literally see the stars. But I could still make out {Heh, make out}Rose's beautiful, but confused, face. Wait, stay ahold of yourself Jerome. You just got out of a relationship with Ash. But she's so pretty. NOPE NOPE NOPE.

I still had to talk to her though. She is my bestfriend after all. Or was.

"Oh sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you, are you ok Rose?" I asked.

"Um yea, you?"

"Fine, just a little dizzy. I see you're feeling better and you can actually walk now."

"Yea, surprise! How long have I been out?"

"About a week, so it's almost the 20th of January now."

"Oh wow. How much have I missed?"

"Not much, just Ash running away. Mitch single-handily fighting Native Americans to leave us alone, Adam mining and finding 5 dungeons, still not knowing if half of TC is alive. So not much."

She had the most 'seriously? WTF Jerome?' face on. I chuckled. After that there was a silence. Not an awkward silence but the nice silence. Both of us sitting down, our backs on the trunk of the willow tree. {If you guys feel like i'm mentioning the damn tree too much, don't complain. ITS IMPORTANT} looking out to the clear lake. I looked to my left, looking at Rose soaking all the beauty in. She looked back at me, confused look on her face. When all of the sudden a pair of lips crashed into mine.

She kissed me. Not a passionate kiss. But a nice one. But still not just a peck. And I kissed back. Sounds like I was doing good getting her back.

A/N So yea I did a kiss scene. .-. I felt weird writing but who cares... WE ALMOST HAVE 300 READS GUYZ OMFG IIUHDIUBCIAUSBIUSASHCIUASBSAIUBIFHAIHAIOHFISBCOIBCSIDHFAwhat do you guys think i should do for it? A Q&A? Comment belowwwwww Now off to Sky's server! My ign is hipster_ruler (dont judge) so if you see me saw hello :D

Kisses my lovelies! :*


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