Chapter 9

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 A/N New chapter, wooo! :D Keep reading after the chapter because I'm going to have a competition for the main character in a new story i'm writing. It's called "About Time." Enjoy this new chapter of "Help."

Song for this chapter : Let's Kill Tonight by Panic! At the Disco,I love that band. :)

Adam's POV

I looked down from the cliff I was standing on. Looking at the damage I had created. I saw 6 bodies lying about in the map. My team and 2 others. The others were Tyler (MunchingBrotato,) and the other Tyler(LogDotZip.) Most of my best friends, good.

I needed to find if what I did worked the way it was supposed to. I searched the ground, looking for a pebble. When I finally found one, I picked it up and threw it to where the force field marking the edge of the map was. The pebble flew through. The force field was gone. We were free.

A wide grin spread across my face. I picked up my back pack and ran down the hill. I needed to collect everyone and get them out.I had already pinpointed where they were. I ran down to the entrance of the sewer system, that's where both the Tyler's were. I shook them awake.

(I'm tired of just writing 'said' so L-LogDotZip, A-Adam, and T-Tyler, OK?)

L: "Adam? What are you doing here? We have to go. There was an explosion."

A: "Uh, that was me."

T: "That was you? Hell yea! Hive five!"

I chuckled and gave him a high five.

A: "Well don't just stand there, we have to go get the rest of the team."

I then proceeded to help them get their loot together. And we ran to the building where the rest of the team were sprawled out on the floor. Thank god it was only us that were alive.

I took on Rose and Ash to wake up. Tyler took Mitch. And the other Tyler took Mitch. {I'm sorry if that's confusing but other Tyler is LogDotZip and Tyler is well Tyler.}I first shook Ash she was already awake but too weak to get up. I gave her some of NoochM's Mom's Pumpkin Pie. She gratefully shoved it in mouth and I saw color come back to her face.

I then helped her too her feet.

"Thanks Adam!" She then smiled at me without questioning and ran to Jerome, who was already awake eyeing Rose.

I walked over to Rose who was lying on her side, breathing heavily. Her blonde hair was covering half her face. Her eyes were closed, but she still looked more beautiful than ever. Mitch would kill me if he could read my mind. But I don't care. After we got out of this hell hole, I would do anything in my power to get her to like me back. The same way as I liked her.

I shook her gently and her eyes then fluttered open.


"Yea, it's me. I came back Rose,I came back"

And with that she sat up and wrapped me in her arms. I was glad to smell her scent again {That sounded much cuter in my head .-.} but in the corner of my eye, I could see Mitch,fully awake, glaring at me.

A/N soooo how'd you guys like that chapter? I'm already in the process of writing the excited. It gunna be good. There's also going to be a GIANT plot twist. Stay tuned, ;).

Also, I am now about to start writing a new story called "About Time." I won't give you any spoilers, but I need a main character. So there's a contest right now, the application is going to be below. Only comment your character, again, if only person comments, you will be the main character. Good luck!

Character's Name:

Personality Traits/Back Story If You Have One:


Star Sign:

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