Chapter Two

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Nic's POV

"You what?!" Elise screamed in my ear.

I sighed. I knew I should have left Addie in my office instead of taking her into the meeting. "She had an accident this morning and had a hard time handling it. Luke called to remind me of the meeting and there was no way I could get her to school and make it to work before it started."

"I knew I should have stayed at home last night. I could have helped."

"It's good that you're with your dad, El."

Addie looked up at the sound of her mum's name.

"I know. I'm sorry for yelling. Stressed you know?"

"Yeah, I know."

"Okay, well as long as you called in I guess. How'd the principal take it?"

"Well, I didn't give her much of a choice, but I assume not well. I just told her Addie would not be in today because of family problems."

"You make us sound unable to handle ourselves, Nic."

"Well, she can think what she wants. You know I don't like her."

"I know, Nic. Okay, I have to go. Have a good day."

"You too."

I hung up and plopped down on the couch next to Ads.

"What are you doing today, Daddy?"

"I have a lot of paychecks to sign and pass around. Do you want to go on the run with me?"

She smiled. "Yeah!"

"Okay." I sat at my desk and began working on the last department's paychecks. Addie played on her tablet for a bit before doing laps down the hall from my office to Luke's.

"Okay, Ads!" I called. She ran back in, out of breath. "Are you ready?"

She nodded. I got up and kneeled on the floor. Addie climbed onto my back and I lifted her up on my shoulders.

"Whoa!" She squealed.

"Okay now. We're going out to the offices so we have to be quiet, alright?"

"Okay, Daddy."

I gave her the paychecks and we headed out.

Each desk we passed by, I had her spell out the person's name and we handed them off. Every one was happy to see her and some people gave her little treats or pens and such with their name on it.

"Nic!" We were almost done as I looked up and saw someone I hadn't seen in a long time. I pulled Addie down from my shoulders and put her on my hip.

"Hello, sir." I held out my hand and he shook it.

"How are you, Nic?"

I nodded, "I'm good. And you?"

"I'm well. Is there somewhere we can talk?"

I nodded. "Um, yeah, of course. Let me take Addie to Luke's office and we can go back to mine."


I showed him to my office and then ran to Luke's. I didn't even knock.

"Nic? What's up?"

"Sorry mate. Big Scott is here. I need you to watch her for a bit. I promise I'll finish paychecks later." I put Addie on the floor and cleared out my pockets of her new treasures, including my phone. "Here, princess. Play Candy Crush if you want, okay?"

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