Chapter Thirteen

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Nic's POV

Once the excitement of the day had died down, I finally had a chance to find Josie and have a minute alone with her.

"Hey babe." I kissed her cheek before sitting down beside her at the table.

"Hi, Nic."

"You okay?"

She nodded and then yawned. "Yeah. Today was amazing. You do this every year?"

I nodded. "Yep. Last couple years it's been at Cade's but with him still getting Marcy settled, we brought it here."

"Everyone was so happy today. I love our group."

"I do too, babe. Are you sure you're okay?"

She nodded but I felt her hesitation.


She sighed and met my gaze. "I don't want to scare you."

"What do you mean?" I asked cautiously.

"I think I'm pregnant, Nic."

My eyes went wide and suddenly the feeling I got seven years ago overwhelmed me. "Are you sure?"

She shook her head. "No. I've never been pregnant. But I've been sick the last couple of days and I barely touched my food at dinner but then ate a ton just an hour ago."

I kissed her cheek. "Hold on." I got up and padded into the living room. "Hey El?"

El looked up from the game she was playing with Addie and Theo. "Yeah?"

"Can you come here a minute?"

She nodded and followed me back to the kitchen. She saw Josie and then looked back at me. "What's up?"

I nodded at Josie and she looked at El. "How did you know you were pregnant?"

El looked at me and rolled her eyes. "You didn't wrap it, did you?"

I huffed. "Not the point here, El." I motioned back to Josie.

"Okay, sorry." El kneeled in front of Josie's chair. "How long?"

Josie shrugged, "A couple days."

I watched as they talked back and forth. It was amazing how so little words had to be spoken.

"How often?"

"Lots in the morning. Some at night."

El sighed. "Can I push on your abdomen?"

Josie nodded and lifted her shirt. El pushed gently and Josie hissed. "Fuck."

"Sorry. Go to the doctor tomorrow." She said softly. She stood and took my arm, and pulled me into the next room. "She's probably pregnant, Nic."

"Are you sure?"

She shrugged, "As sure as I can be." I took a deep breath. El put her hands on my shoulders. "Answer me this. Is this a good thing?"

I nodded. "Yes."

"Good answer." She said with a smile. "Go love her no matter what happens."

I went back into the kitchen and sat beside Josie. I took her hands in mine and brought them to my lips, kissing them softly. "I love you, baby."

"You're not mad?"

I chuckled, "What do I have to be mad for?"

"I'm pregnant. We said we were going to wait."

I kissed her softly on the lips. "I don't care. No matter what the results are tomorrow, I'm not going anywhere. I'm never leaving you, baby."


Wow! Okay, so that was the last actual chapter!

Thanks so much for reading this story!

The epilogue will be up hopefully later today, but if not then next time I have wifi.

There will be an extensive author's note at the end of the epilogue which you may find interesting if you had any questions as you were reading.

I always meant to post those things as I published chapters but it never happened so it's all in one chunk at the end.


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