Chapter 2

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Hello everyone this is my second chapter of One Dream, i will try to upload everyday day if i can :) The chapters get longer soon so they won't be short like my first chapter. Enjoy! xxx

Chapter 2

Three Months Later…

I still can’t believe we got VIP tickets to the One Direction concert on my birthday! VIP tickets! With the VIP tickets we get front row seats right in the middle with a backstage pass each to meet the boys backstage and to go up on stage with them while they sing one of their songs with us! There were only three VIP tickets and lucky enough we got all of them which were a complete fluke. When we found out we burst out crying because we were all completely and utterly shocked and so very happy.

It was now a day before my birthday and the One Direction Concert! Sian and Megan came over to stay that night so we could prepare for the next day.  We were literally buzzing with excitement that night before the concert, but we knew we had to act as calm as possible the next night when we met One Direction. We didn’t want to seem too crazy in front of them and give them a bad impression of us for the first time.


“Happy birthday Laura, wake up we are meeting One Direction tonight! Get up, come on we have to get organized for tonight!” shouted Megan jumping onto my bed scaring me, I was still half asleep in bed.

I sprang up in bed once I came to reality. Sian and Megan were sitting on the other side of my bed looking at me with huge smiles on their faces. I couldn’t believe it already, the day has finally come to meet One Direction and also on my birthday I get to meet them, wow I thought!

“Oh my god!” I shouted looking at my alarm clock; it was 10:03am! In about 12 hours we will be meeting One Direction! I fell back down onto my pillow and I couldn’t believe it still.

“I know right!” said Sian and Megan together, them also falling back onto me. We were looking at the ceiling for a minute and I thought that’s it, I’m getting up.

“Okay, I’m going to go hop in the shower, to freshen up, I will be quick then you guys can have one after me.” I said getting up out of bed heading to my door to grab my towel, on the way to the bathroom.

“Okay, we will be downstairs having breakfast, call out when you’re done and happy birthday Laura!” Sian called out to me once I got to the bathroom door.

“Thank you, alright, I will come downstairs once I’m done.” I replied

“Oh and Laura, be quick in the shower, we know what you are like!” Megan also called out while I could hear her giggling with Sian.

“Oh don’t you worry, I will be quick for today and I’m too excited for tonight so that’s why!”  I called back out laughing.

“Whatever floats your boat!” Megan laughed.

I hope you enjoyed that, I will upload the next two chapters soon and i will write the fith chapter later tonight maybe :) Thanks to everyone who is reading, it gets much more interesting in the chapters coming up :) So stay hooked and keep your eyes peeled for the next chapters :) xxx

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