Chapter 24

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Laura's POV

"Merry Christmas, love" Louis smiled down at me thoughtfully as he passed me a small little silver gift bag. I mirrored his smile as he sat down beside me on the couch and kissed his cheek lightly to say thank you.

"And Merry Christmas to you, handsome" I smiled at him cheerfully, passing him his present that was next to me on my right side. His eyebrows furrowed curiously at the large size of his present.

We were all opening up our presents in the lounge room, Louis and I being the last ones to open ours that we got each other. Jay and the girls were really sweet and bought me a Topshop gift card even though I had just met them for the first time a few days ago.

"Open yours first" Louis and I said simultaneously to each other at the same time. Fits of laughter escaping our mouths as well as Jay's and the girls.

"You first babe" I grinned at him, wanting to see his reaction to his present. It wasn't really anything sentimental like his birthday presents that I got him but I knew he would love it. He grinned back at me broadly and started ripping the Christmas paper off revealing a white cardboard box. He hummed curiously and opened the top of the slim, long box only to reveal bubble wrap. He pulled the object out of the box, a small smile etched onto his face as he unwrapped the bubble wrap and gasped once the bubble wrap was gone.

"Oh my god thank you, thank you, thank you! I love it baby!" He exclaimed excitedly, admiring the large frame which framed a signed vinyl record of The Fray's latest album with the normal CD album below it.

"You're welcome, I wasn't sure if you'd like it or not" I replied with a little laugh and he shook his head, looking at me with the biggest grin

"I'll hang it up with my other quirky things in my games room" he thought out loud and nodded to himself.

"Let us see, darling!" Jay said gesturing over to the frame and he flipped it around to show his mum and the girls.

"Ooh very nice" his mum said softly and the girls nodding in agreement with the twins doing thumbs up each.

"Your turn now, love" Louis smiled down at me warmly, his vivid sea blue eyes sparkling in the sunlight in the lounge room. I could see a tiny glint in his eyes as if he was trying to hide something from me but it was a good glint since his eyes were beaming with excitement.

I untied the little pearl white ribbon on the small silver gift bag from Louis and instantly gasped, my mouth fell open as I saw the little light blue box inside the bag. I reached in the bag and pulled out the little palm size box, on top of it 'Tiffany & Co.' was written in small silver writing. I've always wanted to have something from Tiffany & Co. since I can remember and it's even more special that this was from Louis. I gently tugged on the lid to take it off and my breath hitched in the back of my throat. Inside the little box was a sterling silver heart locket necklace with 'I Love You' engraved on the front in cursive writing with tiny little diamonds around the edge of the heart. I was completely and utterly speechless, it was so beautiful.

"Open it..." I heard Louis barely whisper in my ear softly, his breath tickling my neck making me shiver and my stomach to flip around with butterflies. I did as he told me to and I gasped; inside the delicate locket was a black and white photo of us two chest to chest, the side of his head resting against mine with his arms wrapped around my waist tightly. It was taken of us two last time I was in London, it was one of my absolute favourite photos together, it was adorable. Next to it in the left side of the heart was a little quote which made my heart flutter, it read 'Close together or far apart, you're forever in my heart...' It was true though, we are either close together or far apart since I live all the way over in Australia but that was going to change soon.

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