Chapter 7

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Hello everyone! Sorry i haven't uploaded for a week, there is a good reason why though! This chapter is super long and a lot of things happen! My favorite chapter i have written and there is a surprise at the end! Please vote, comment and fan! 

P.S Read what i write at the end because i'm going to change it slightly, you will see :) 

Thanks for reading! 

Love you all 

Laura :) xxx

Chapter 7

Laura’s POV

After breakfast the girls and I rang our parents and told them everything with what had happened last night. At first they were a bit shocked but after telling them we were all good and safe with the boys they were really happy for us to be having such a good time. We told them how we met the boys, the boys inviting us to say with them for a few days, and what we are planning to do. They didn’t mind us being away as long as we were having fun with each other.

Then straight after phoning our parents, Sian and Megan wanted to talk to me and I had no idea what about. So we went to the bean bag room with a block of chocolate to share while the boys went out the front of the hotel to meet some fans who were there for them.

“So then what’s going on with you and Louis aye? Megan said wriggling her eyebrows at me. I just glared at her. She stopped and listened but before I could say anything Sian spoke.

“You two are really cute together, all the boys except Lou think you guys really need to go out with each other and that includes us too” Sian giggled looking at Megan and she nodded taking a bite of chocolate.

I just groaned and rolled my eyes. I was playing with my hands for a few seconds figuring out what to say first but before I could I got snapped out of my thoughts with Megan clicking her fingers in my face.

“So then, spill the beans already! We are waiting to hear what happened last night because we know something big has happened, we can tell your hiding something from us!” Megan basically shouted.

“Okay, Okay I will, I was trying to figure out what to say first” I retorted.

“Just tell us the best part first!” Sian squealed. Oh great this will be fun.

“The best part of last night was when - wait actually very early this morning in fact was when…” I paused looking at them grinning like mad “was when he kissed me on the lips during the middle of the night…”

I got interrupted by a fit of squeals and getting pulled into a big group hug from Megan and Sian. We pulled apart and I sat back down in my white fluffy bean bag. It was so comfy and soft.

“Oh my god, I can’t believe he kissed you Laura! What was it like? Is he a good kisser?” Megan kept on throwing questions at me while Sian sat there in shock to what I had just told them.

“Megan calm down! I’m gonna tell you guys everything, okay maybe not every little detail but the main parts okay?” I said trying to calm down her excitement. She just grinned at me the whole time.

“So then what else happened?” Sian spoke up her voice higher than usual. Her voice only goes high when she is really excited about something.

“Well after we pulled apart from our first kiss, I just gazed into his big blue eyes and then I kissed him back, and he wasn’t expecting it either, but it was amazing. I had sparks all through my body, running down my arms and his lips are so soft! It was perfect, meant to be I reckon…” I trailed off remembering his soft lips on mine getting butterflies again in my stomach.

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