Chapter 3

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Hello guys! This is chapter three and it is longer than the previous chapters, warning you now there is kinda a cliffhanger sort of thing at the end but it's not that big. Please vote, comment and fan if you are enjoying it! 

Laura :) xxx

Chapter 3

“Wow it’s huge in here! I didn’t think it was going to be this big. At least we got the best seats in the stadium, that’s for sure!” I shouted over the loud music playing while we wait for One Direction to come on, which was in ten minutes!

“Yeah I wasn’t expecting it to be like this either, it’s massive in here! The boys will be shocked to see how many people there are in here! There are hundreds of us and we were lucky enough to get VIP tickets to ourselves out of all these girls” shouted Megan who was only sitting right next to me; I could only just hear her over the music playing.

“I still don’t get why it was only us three who got the VIP tickets, we must have been the first ones to buy the tickets out of all these girls here, which is so unreal!” shouted Sian.

“Do you know where we are supposed to go after the concert is finished so we can go backstage?” asked Megan, who was looking a bit, worried even though you could still see all the excitement in her eyes.

“Umm I’m not sure; it didn’t say on the letter that we also got with the tickets how we are supposed to get backstage. I wonder if we go up on stage with the lads when they perform their last song and then after it goes dark, they take us backstage with them. I have a feeling that is how it will work, because how else are we supposed to get there without instructions?” I shouted to Sian and Megan.

“Yeah I guess that’s how they will do it, without making it so suspicious to the other girls in the audience. We will just have to be careful when we are up on stage, because there will be a lot of jealous girls out there who wish they could be us while that is happening” shouted Sian.

“Yeah, okay we got five minutes now and it’s starting to go dark in here! Woohooo!” she screamed and all of us did to after that!

There was a countdown video of the boys, just before they came on and the stadium went wild once they all came on stage singing ‘Na Na Na’ we were all singing along and going crazy, having a blast of a time. They sang a few more songs before going backstage to change clothes for the next part of the concert. When they came back out they looked even trendier in what they were wearing, than before.

Once they came out they started to sing What Makes You Beautiful and the audience went wild once again. “Baby you light up my world like nobody else, the way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed…” the boys sang looking down at the three of us and giving us a wink “But when you smile at the ground it ain’t  hard to tell, you don’t know, you don’t know you’re beautiful!” there perfect voices sang out along with ours. This night can’t get much better than this, can it?

While Louis was singing his solo in One Thing he pointed and winked at me when he sang “Cause you’ve got that one thing” I literally melted on the inside, Louis Tomlinson pointed and winked at me! Oh my god! I don’t think I will ever forget that moment!

They sang two more songs after One Thing and then the arena went dark. All of a sudden there was a man who was coming towards us calling out our seat numbers. I looked at Sian and Megan with a confusing look, wondering what was going on, and they had the same look as me. Then it hit me, this must be the guy coming to collect us so we could go backstage and go up on stage with the boys.

“Over here!” I yelled at the top of my lungs to the guy who was trying to find us. He noticed us and rushed over to us before anyone else realized what was going on.

“Are you the three girls who have VIP tickets to go backstage and go up on stage with the boys while they sing their last song?” the man asked us.

“Yeah that’s us!” I yelled with excitement. Finally we know what’s going on so we can go meet the boys.

“Okay good, I just have to open this hidden gate and get you through before anyone realizes what is going on, just quickly come through now and follow me” he said while he was opening up this gate thing in front of us. Since when was there a gate thing there?  The girls and I quickly shuffled through and followed him down a long walkway till we got to a black door which said ‘Backstage’ on it.

We were walking down a short corridor with a few doors on each side till we turned left and in front of us was One Direction coming towards us all smiling and chatting to each other. This was it don’t scream, don’t cry, just act cool and calm. 

I will be uploading chapter four tomorrow, i didn't have time to do it earlier. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Stay hooked to this story because now the story starts to get more interesting and exciting plus the chapters will start to get longer as i continue on :) Thank you to everyone who is reading this! It means a lot to me!

Laura :) xxx

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