Beach Bum

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I found the swim trunks I thought for sure I had lost under a pile of clothes beside the laundry hamper. 

I know, I know, if you have a laundry hamper that is just one foot away, why don't you put your clothes in it?  I just don't. 

Again, like I said before, my name is Jared Leto and I do what I want.

I raced out to my car and turned on the ignition.  I speed out of the driveway and pop a CD in to play music.  Listening to the radio is torture to me, I only listen to the best music, and that is my own.  Because I slay, I slay, I slay, okay!  Okay ladies now let's get in forma-hm, maybe I do listen to the radio sometimes.  But really, our band is amazing.

"I've been up in the air
Out of my head
Stuck in a moment of emotion I've destroyed
Is this the end I feel?
Up in the air,"

I sing along as I tune out the rest of the world.  The cars that whir by me are nothing but a blur.  I love being on the open road with my music, where not a thing in the world could bother me. 

"A thousand times I've tempted fate
A thousand times I've played this game
A thousand times that I have said today, today, today,"

I see the faint sign of where I need to turn off to arrive at my destination.  The tires squeal as I approach the sign and take a sharp right.  I park the car and pop the trunk.  I grab a beach towel and drape it over my shoulder.  A whole studio with huge cameras and a large crew are huddled around a secluded area of the beach.  Curious, I make my way over to the attention to see what's up. 

Then I remember that Margot said that she had a photoshoot. 

Margot in a bikini, uh, yes please. 

My walk over to the commotion turns into a sprint, with the thought of seeing her swirling around in my mind. 

I come to a halt as I find a curly blonde head of hair underneath a red and white umbrella.  The woman's face is bright and happy as she poses with three adorable golden retriever puppies. 

A jolt of electricity shoots throughout my entire body as I stand in shock.  I've never seen a woman quite this beautiful ever before.

She must have noticed me staring at her, because she starts beaming my way.  A man with a camera beside me snaps the perfect shot with her delightful expression.

  A man with a camera beside me snaps the perfect shot with her delightful expression

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"Jared!" she exclaims, pleased to see me.  Her Aussie accent ringing through my ears, "I'm so happy you came!  Sorry, we were supposed to wrap up a while ago."

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