Practice Makes Perfect

222 19 18

She's so hot.

She is SO HOT!

"Hi, Jared!" I hear her voice return to it's natural accent as she walks up to me.  She adjusts her tiny dress and places a delicate hand on my chest.

I bite my tongue and try to stand as still as possible.


"What are you doing here?" she looks up at me with her gleaming eyes and smiles.

"I came to uh...uh, see you!"

DUH!  She's not an idiot, Jared, unlike you.

She giggles softly and playfully rolls her eyes.

"Okay, but for real!  What's going on?"

"Does a man need an excuse to fly across the country to see his girl?" I wink at her.

She folds her arms across her chest, "Who said that I was 'your girl'?"

Dang it.

"I meant a squirrel," I say, frantically, "look!  Over there!"

I bolt off the set and into another section of the building, leaving Margot utterly confused.

"Hey, you," a male voice sounds from behind me.  I spin around to see what's going on.

Martin Scorsese spreads his arms apart and says hello.

"Well, if it isn't Jared Leto!  Welcome!"

"Hello, sir," I greet, shaking his hand.

"I saw you over there with Margot, you guys look great together!" he comments bluntly.

I start to turn red and scratch the back of my neck, "Uh, thanks."

He smirks and taps his chin, "Say, you wouldn't want to be in the movie would you?  I'm a huge fan of your work."

"Seriously?" my eyes widen, "I'd love to!"

He puts his hands together and starts to formulate ideas in his head.

"I've got the perfect role for you, are you comfortable with sex scenes?"

. . . . . . . .

What a day.  I enter my hotel room and belly flop right on the bed.

I can't believe that I'm going to be in Margot's movie!  Scorsese asked me if I'd do a sex scene, and who the hell wouldn't want one with her?

I jumped on the idea right away and he liked my enthusiasm.  We film it tomorrow.

I'm so not prepared for this.  I'm going to make myself look like an idiot for the millionth time, but this time, I don't care.

In less than twelve hours, I'm going to be on set with Margot. 


The sound of my phone goes off and I accept the call right away.

"Hello, hello!"

"Jared, what's up?!" Shannon says on the opposite line.

I didn't even tell him that I left LA to come here to New York. 

"Oh, you know, the usual.  Hanging in New York," I chuckle.

"New York?  Why the-" he pauses for a moment, "for real?  You went to see Margot?  A woman you barely even know!  You're so stupid."

I knew he was going to say something like that.  It's not his life, why should he care? 

"Yeah whatever, Shannon.  Why don't you mind your own business for once?  I know my life is like a comedy show, but that doesn't mean you have to criticize every aspect of it."

He stays silent.  What a shocker.  Our conversation went from friendly to heated real fast.

I pipe up again, "Anyway, I gotta go.  I've got a scene to star in tomorrow.  Big day!  By-"

"What?!  You were hired just like that?" Shannon sounds very surprised. 

"Yes I did, Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get my beauty rest."

I clicked the red button on the phone and placed it on my bedside.  I turn off the lights in the hotel room and get comfortable in the bed, drifting off to sleep.


What is going on?!  My immediate reaction is to yank the hotel's clock out of the wall to kill the sound.

As I sit up in bed with the clock in my hand with the wires hanging out, I rub my eyes and realize that the beeping noise hasn't stopped.

Well, you just broke their clock, nice job.

No time for sarcasm, conscience.  Now what the hell is going on?!

I finally notice that a red light is flashing on the wall with "FIRE" glowing in white letters.

I spring from the bed and run downstairs as quickly as I can.  It's the middle of the night, the fire alarm just went off, and I have to be on set tomorrow.  And I'm in my underwear.

A crowd has formed in the lobby of concerned people in their pajamas who look cranky. 

I yell out in a panic, "Why are we inside?!  The hotel is on fire!"

The scary man from room 715 turns to me and speaks in his scratchy voice, "Someone pulled a prank.  It's a false alarm, literally."

I roll my eyes at the man I hoped that I'd never see again.

"That's just great!" I start laughing, throwing my hands up.  He scowls at me.

"This isn't my idea of a good night either, princess," he spits.  Gross.

"Listen, dude, I have an important scene I need to film in the morning.  You don't have a life!"

His eyes are ablaze, "Excuse me?!"

Now is time to run, I sprint to the stairs and race up them to get to my room.  Ha!  I lost him.  I knew he wouldn't catch up!

I go to open the door to my room, when the thought hits me that I forgot my room key.


So now, I slump against the door in only my boxers, and feel the shame.

"There you are!"

"GO AWAY, WEIRDO!" I can't deal with that ugly guy-wait.  My eyes pop open, realizing that the voice I heard wasn't the one I thought it was.

"Margot?!" I get up from my position as soon as possible and smooth out my hair.

She smirks, crossing her arms across her chest, "Weirdo, huh?  That's a first."

I sheepishly grin, "Sorry, I didn't realize."

"It's fine!  No biggie.  I saw you arguing with that guy downstairs.  You run fast!"

My face must be beet red, "Oh, you saw that?"

She smiles, even in the middle of the night she still manages to look flawless. 

Here I am in my underwear, locked out of my hotel room with the girl of my dreams.  There is only one thing that can result from this.  Here goes nothing.

"I'm kind of locked out of my hotel room, and the lobby is too chaotic right now to get a new key, would you mind if,"

"Come on," she winks at me, leading me in the direction towards her hotel room.

Y  to the E to the S.

Maybe I'll get some practice for our scene tomorrow.

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