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A week has passed, and Margot is off to New York to go film her movie, leaving me all alone in Los Angeles.

I decide to start off my day by hanging out with my brother, Shannon.

Crazy, right?  My brother is usually nothing but rude to me.  Hell, he burned my lucky sock!  And he messes with me all of the time.

But still, despite that, he is my brother.  And sometimes, sometimes, we get along.  He's really no that ba-

"Hurry up, you idiot, or I'm leaving without you," Shannon screams from his truck.

Okay, bad example.

I shuffle my feet quickly until I reach his truck and hop in.  He speeds off before I can even touch the seatbelt.

I yank the belt and snap it in place, there's no way I'm not wearing a seatbelt when he's driving.

"You're such a bad driver," I say as I clutch onto the seatbelt.  He laughs in response, shaking his head.

"You're such a loser," is his only comeback.

"At least I don't have a girl's name," I scoff. 

"Shut up," he groans, punching me in the arm.


"So, anyway, how 'bout that girl?" he questions out of nowhere.

I raise an eyebrow, "Margot?"

"Well, duh, who else?"

I roll my eyes at him.

"What about her?"

"How is she?  Didn't she go to New York or something?" he asks. 

"Uh, yeah," I lean back against he seat and pause for a moment, "she has to film a movie."

Please don't ask who she's starring wi-

"Who's starring alongside her?"

Of course.

"I don't want to talk about it," I say abruptly.  Apparently, Shannon's in the mood to annoy me.  Actually, he's always in that sort of mood.

"Come on, dude.  You're seriously not going to tell me?"

I groan loudly, "Leonardo DiCaprio!  It's Leonardo DiCaprio."

"Good for her, why aren't you happy about it?"

I hate it when people ask me questions when I'm in a bad mood.

"It's just, uh," I run my hand through my hair while looking out the window.

"Uh what?" he asks impatiently, "ah!"

His face lights up and an obnoxious smile forms on his face, "You're jealous!"

"No!  I just don't like him."

He parks the car and turns his head to face me.



"Jared's in looo-vee!  Jared's in lo-"

I cut him off, "Stop.  I'm not 'in love'."

His grin grows even wider, "Are they going to have a sex scene?"

My eyes widen at the thought, "No!  Shut up, I don't know.  She doesn't talk about it."

"Well, she's your girlfriend.  You sort of deserve to know these things."

"She's not my girlfriend," I mumble quietly, but he hears it anyway.

"Okay, whatever you say.  Don't you want to find out though?"

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