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"Wow," I take in the gorgeous view that surrounds me.   The top of the mountain is incredible, but the woman I'm with really is what takes my breath away.   Cheesy, maybe, but I don't care.

Her smaller body presses up against mine as we sit down off to the side of the path. Her head rests gently on my shoulder. My hand finds its way to hers, and I intertwine our fingers together.

We watch as the sun falls in front of us. Vibrant colors of orange, red, yellow, and pink paint the sky.

Now is the perfect time to kiss her, Jared!

I turn ever so slightly and kiss the top of her head.

Not her head, idiot.

Oh, right.

"It's getting dark," Margot comments. "Should we head back now?"

"Um," I mentally face palm myself, "yeah, sure."

She gets up from her seated position and helps me up. I offer her a smile, before directing my attention to the sky once more before we leave.

So many colors. This is why I love being outside so much, nature is so remarkably beautiful. The calm peacefulness in the air is soothing. Only a small breeze passes by. The temperature has dropped quite a bit since we came out here.

I turn back around to make the trip back down the mountain, but am stopped with a pair of lips pressed against mine.

She wraps her smaller arms around my neck, pulling herself closer to me. In turn, I place my hands on her waist and move my lips in sync with hers.

We stay there, kissing for what seems like hours, but is probably more like five minutes until she breaks away from me.

I read her face for any message, and see a gorgeous smile pop up. The blue of her eyes glistens in the light. I try to pull away from my trance, but ultimately fail. Her beauty is captivating, and I only want to see more.

You're hopeless.

She bites her bottom lip and grabs my hand, walking down the path to the bottom of the mountain.

The rest of our journey remains in silence, as we reflect on what just happened.

I can't believe she kissed me! Margot Robbie actually kissed me!

Before I know it, we are back to my car, where I unlock it and open the door for her. I hop into the driver's seat and drive off, back to her hotel.

"Thanks for taking me out today," she says happily. A small hand is placed on mine.

"Anytime," I reply with a smile. I peek a glance at her before returning my eyes to the long road ahead of us. A thought pops into my head, "When do you begin filming for your movie?"

"Next week, actually. In New York."

"So soon," I mumble, "can I come see you out there?"

Her lips form a smirk, "I haven't even left yet and you already miss me?"

Thankfully it's dark out, and she can't see how red my face is, I don't reply to her smart comment, which makes her laugh.

I park outside the hotel lobby doors, when the dark reality settling in lets me know that this is the end of our magical date.

"You wanna come in?" her voice drops to a lower, more sultry sounding Brooklyn accent. Is she practicing for her movie role? If so, I like it already.

My eyes dart to hers, which are teasing and full of lust. She goes for that lip bite again, which gets me every time. I'm so turned on and she has barely done anything yet.

I catch myself just flat out staring at her, just in complete awe.

She bites the tip of her pinkie and smiles, "Maybe some other time then?"

"W-wait!" I call out, but it's too late. She shuts the door behind her and her hips sway as she enters the nice hotel. I slump back in my seat, regretting not taking her up on her offer immediately.

Maybe she was just messing with me.

Or maybe she wasn't.

Oh, how badly I want her.

HEY, IDIOT! Go up to her room now! You have her room number!  She texted it to you earlier!

My expression lights up as I remember.

I practically jump out of the car and make a beeline to the huge lobby doors.

Room 712. 712. 712. 712. 712.

I repeat this a thousand times in my head as I race into the building in search of her room.

I fly up flights of stairs, as taking the elevator would be too stressful. I don't have time for that!

I reach the last set of steps before opening the door to the hallway. I run down passing doors, that approach closer to the number 712.

I come to a halt when I reach her door. To say that my heart is beating faster than normal would be an understatement. My heart is seconds away from escaping my body and flinging itself in her room.

Okay, weirdo.

Before I can even think, my fist vigorously pounds against her door.

The scariest moments of my life flash by as I wait for her to answer. As if on cue, the door swings open, revealing M-


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