Fashion show

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A/n hey sorry haven't up dated been really I'll but will try and upload today ok byyyyeeee Btw all outfits are on my instagram : Ellen_377

I woke up to once again the sunlight blaring in through the gap in the blinds . Harry arm still sndked around my waist and my head resting on his beautiful toned inked skin . I didn't want to move and harry looked like such an angle sleeping . I began tracing the the butterfly tattoo on his torso . Light snore escaping his mouth . He was just so gorgeous even when he was sleeping where as I look like a crazy lady who looks like I had my face coloured in by two year olds coz I for got to take my make up of last night . I decided to get up and dirt myself out. I unwrap my waist frond Harry's grasp and tiptoe toward the bathroom . I was nearly at the door when Harry woke up . "morning beautiful." Harry said in his morning voice which made my head stop beating . "I'm just going to get a shower ." I whisper trying not to waked anyone in the house up . "noo come back to bed ." Harry groves as he open the quilt for me to climb into . I resist his offer and walk into the bathroom . I then hear Harry get out of bed and before u new it I was being lifted up from behind and carried to the bed . I squealed a bit before he placed me bad on the bed ."Harry ." scowl before he kisses me on my nose and then goes and lies next to me . "Harry ?." I question still staring at the ceiling . "yes honey ." he says pepping himself up on his elbow . "who's going to be at the fashion show ." I ask copying his move ment . "well I know that the boys will be there , grimmy ,Rita ora , Louis Walsh , Lou and her husband and err oh yeh and I herd the union j are going to be there as well . and probablys some other people ." shit all those big celebs are going to be there and the only people I know are Lou and the boy , fuck what are they going to think when just a nobody walks on looking like a weardo . Omg what is some one say 'Elise jones you are a mess get out of hear '. Wait they wouldn't I'm with Harry and he'll take care if me ,I hope. What if I make a total mess of my self .
I was then interrupted to by my thoughts by Harry " hon are you ok ." he asks ,wondering why I'm making such a wear face ." I'm fine just wondering , what if I completely mess up and people don't like me or something goes wrong or..." I was stopped by Harry placing a finer over my mouth "shh hon it will all be fine ,I won't let anything bad happen , don't worry . Now come on let's get reddy ." he says before getting out of bed which I then follow.

We are finally reddy for the show I'm wearing a simple and yet classy dress whither lush shoes and necklace. I Finnish off getting ready and go downstairs to meet Harry who is stood there in his black tshirt and black skinny jeans with a blazar.
"wow babe you look incredible ." Harry says embracing me in a hug . "thanks ." I smile looking at the ground, I had never been very good reviving compliment .
" you guys ready coz we really need to go ." Louis shouts from the front door .
"Okay okay , I'll be there in a minute."I replays slipping my shoes on as I walk out the door . We all get in a black can that is big enough to carry 8 people . Liam and Louis went in the front ,me and Harry in the middle and Niall and zayn in the back .
"babe in really nervouse about this fashion show u know ." I say fidgeting with my fingers which is a habit of mine when u get nervous .
"honey listen to me it's all going to be ok , now come hear . " Harry answers giving me a hug and a lingering kiss on the lips , this time it was warm and made me feel safe and secure.
"ok , just don't let me do anything stupid ." I say giving him a playful smirk .
"babe if you fall we all fall ." he says laughing . I new what he meant and gave him a little chuckle .
We finally arrived at the event .paps were everywhere trying to capture pictures of the boys asking them billions of questions which all just became one big blur in my ears . A couple were about me but I just ignored them . We reached the enterance where we were greeted by a man who gave us a glass of fancy champaign . I took one sip and ugh it was lovely , I guess this is what posh people drink . I wanted to down it up I realise now was not the time to get pissed . I walked over to where Harry was , really not wanting to get lost . "hiya honey how do you like the show ? " Harry said wrapping his arms around me , placing his head on my shoulder. " great when does the catwalk start . " I ask staring into his beautiful green orbs . "any minute now so we better get to our seats ." he answers leading me towards a set of double door . "after you." he says holding open the door . As I walk past him he gives my bum a cheeky slap. "Harry ." I hiss Turing round to see Harry smirking . I roll my eyes and go to take his hand . We sat down in ours seat next to the boy . I was at the end so I don't know who will be sitting next to me . The show was about to begin when non other than union j came and sat next to us . "hey I'm George , you must be Elise right?" he said giving me his hand to shake ."yeah ,aren't you in union j ?" I ask shaking his hand and giving him a polite smile . " haha yeah something like that ." so are you with 1D ?" he asked giving the boys a stair which I wasn't convinced was that friendly ." yeah I'm with Harry attualy." I reply giving Harry's hand a little squeeze. "sorry what babe ." he says turning to me after being in a conversation with Louis about some thing totally random . "I was just saying I'm with you , this is union j ." I reply
"oh I see." Harry replays sharply , I don't know what his problem is and I think it's best not to get involved.? "so Elise what you doing after the show ." George says giving me a slight smirk that made me slightly uncomfortable. "err I don't know , probablys just going back to the boys place why ?" I say not really sure what we were doing . "well me and jj are having an after party at our maybe you could stop by have a few drink ." he says giving me a smile. I didn't really want to go and I would much rather be with just harry ."I don't know I'll have to ask the boys . " I say trying to be polite .
"well hears my number if you want a good time ." I says giving me a pice of paper. I had no intentions of putting if in my phone .
In the nick of time the fashion show started . I sat close to Harry the whole time . The models walked past in so e of the most beautiful outfits I have ever seen . One walked past in a flowing white dress with a black detailed top and it was amazing .

One the fashion show ended the boys went of to talk to some other guys do me and Harry went and talked to grimmy ,who was really nice and friendly . Harry never let go of me the whole time and it was just perfect. Just then George walked in to the room where we were .
"hey babe what's going on ." he says putting his arm around my waist . I pull away and Harry gives his a cold look .
"erm nothing realy." I say puting my arms around Harry .
"babe why didn't u contact me after giving me your number." I says with his awful smirk .
I scoff at his words .
"hon what do you think your doing giving this prick your number ." Harry said tightening his grim around me .
"Harry I didn't I swear ." I say staring into Harry's eyes .
"look I think we better leave." Harry says ushering me out of the door
"bye nick it was realy nice to meet you ." saying to grimmy who was standing there bewildered by the previous conversations

The paps were crazy ,swarming the exit. I desperately grab harry hand hoping he would protect me .The buzz of there many questions was defining . Elise this Elise that .my head began to spin . Im them pushed from behind and hit my head on the cold floor .

just then everything when black .

Okay hope you like it comment on what you think should happen next and I'm still doing the shoutout thing as well also it would be just amazayn if you could vote .
Bbbyyyyyeeeee xxxxx
Twitter : ellenbraun1999

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