The cafe

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I woke to the soft sounds to Harry breathed . His perfect inked torso vid able out the sheet . His cheat rising and falling with every breath . His muscular arm was snaked around my waist pulling me closer to his warm body . I unwrapped his arm from my waist , trying not to wake him . I decided to get a shower and get ready while he wakes up . As I stood in the show I realised that I haven been in my house for 4 days .Ill have to get back and make sure everything was all right .
I got ready and went down stair . By that time Harry was already up and talking to some one on the phone. I decided just to go to the lounge because I didn't want to disturb his conversation . I decided to watch the new. I know right boring or what. Harry finally finished his conversation and came joining me on the couch , placing his arm around me . I fiddled with his fingers . "do you want to go to get some breakfast , I know this great little cafe down to street." he said leaning his head on my shoulder. "yeah sounds good and by the way could we please call in at my apartment just to make sure everything's ok and take so clothes over." I said tracing his ratios on his writ . My favourite was his black padlock . "yeah sure we can get some breakfast and then go straight their , because if of to day .so more time to spent with my beautiful girl ." he said giving me a kiss on the cheek and rushing up the stairs to get ready . I decided to go on my phone and go on twitter which I know I will soon regret . To my surprise there were loads of realy positive comment . Many hoping I was ok after the fashion show and also #elerry had trended word wide . I had do many followers . It made me so thankful and humble so see so many people supporting mine and Harry's relationship. I then went on instagram . I had loads of followers and likes . I decided to post a cheeky little selfie of me and Harry ,which we had taken at the fashon show . The two of us both plunking funny faces and doing the west side . I Finnish uploading the picture and decide to go upstairs to put some makeup on seemings I was going out . I did just a smokey eye and coral lipstick with looked really nice with my top and light denim shorts .
I put some clothes in a bag to take back to my house . I hurried down stairs to see Harry lied on the couch looking sexy as ever ." hey babe ready to go ?"he asked grabbing my wrist and pulling me around to face him. "yep." I said piping the p . Before giving him a kiss . We shortly pulled away and went to the car .

We were singing really badly all the way there to Miley cyrus and Bruno mars . Well I was singing badly any way . Harry sounded beautiful even when he tyres to be bad . We then came to a quite cafe called the step and it was so cute . We went in and went to the counter. Harry ordered a bacon sandwich and I got scones and jam . We then went to sit out side . The wether was beautiful . It was only 10 o clock and it was really warm."so el I was thinking next we me and the boys are doing A few concerts at Manchester , lees and Newcastle . So I was thinking you could come up to newcastle and we had 2 free days after that so I was wondering of you wanted to stay in Newcastle those 2 day . " he said rubbing soft circles in my hand. "sure that sounds really good ." I agreed "good well as long as that ok with work and everything . " he asked ."yeah it should be fine and Harry , " I said looking down at the floor . "yes Elise ." he said lifting my head up with his finger to made me face to face with him . " well it my graduation on the 3 of september and I was wondering if you would like to go . It here in London so you don't have to travel of anything . " I asked . "el are you serious , I wouldn't missing for the world." he said before giving me a kiss . Just then a load of paps come and start taking pictures of me and Harry. We then have to quickly pull away . They began shouting loads of questions . "elise is it true you fainted at the fashon show . " I decided to ansews there questions . "no, at the fashion show I tripped and hit my head which caused me to pass out . " I said ."el what are you doing ?." Harry questioned grabbing my hand . "its ok , if I ansew there question they will go away right ?" I asked , I seemed like a good idea at the time but thinking about it , Manet not . " no hon if you ansew questions they will ask more and more .just igror them and they will go away . " he said taking a bite of his bacon sandwich ."are you sure ?" I asked , not wanting to be photographed eating. He nodded his head . I decided to take a bite of my scones and they were so good, I'd never tasted food this good Before . "mm Harry thus food is so yummy ." I said putting some more jam on the scones. "only the best for my princess."he smirked . I gave him a funny face and we started laughing .

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