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as i opened my eyes the glaring sun of a new day shone into my eyes. harrys arn my wrapped perfectly around my waist . harry was so cute when he slept .he was lay on his back and letting out soft snores . his inked chest rising and falling with ever breath. how could a person be so perfect. i begin to trace over his butterfly tattoo when he wakes . " morning beautiful ." he says in his deep and husky morning voice . " morning sexy , do you know what day it is today ?" i ask propping my head up on my hand . " errr i don't know you ll have to remind me ." he laughed. "FUCKING  GRADUATION .!" i shout jumping up on down my hands hitting on his chest . " well some ones a tiny bit exited ." he smirked . " come on lets get some food ." i said getting up wrapping the quilt in around my body . and walking to the closet to get one of Harry's t shirts." Elise , what on earth are you doing with that quilt ." harry asks laughed at me as i look for a long enough tshirt. " because " i wine as i open a draw of other tshirts . harry then whips the quilt from my body leaving exposed . " elise you are so beautiful." harry says entwining his fingers with mine . out naked body's pressing against each other. his leans down giving me a kiss my hands snake up to grasp his curls . our mouths fit perfectly together , as if we were made for each other .

we pulled away from our embrace and i pulled out harrys rolling stones t shirt . i slipped it on and went down stairs , closely followed by harry . "bacon and eggs sound good ?" i ask as i tale out the needed utensils . " sure ." harry said wrapping his arms around my waist and placing his head on my  shoulder. he began to kiss my neack causing me to moan . " by the way last night was abselutely fanominal." he wispered im my ear causing me to giggle 

afer we had eaten breackfast i went upsairs to get ready . i didnt have to be at the univercity untill 2 and it was 10 but i take a rediclose time to get ready . i started by getting in the shower the warm water feeling like heven on my skin . "the front pages are your pictures,

They make you look so small,

How could someone not miss you at all?

I never would mistreat ya,

Oh I’m not a criminal,

I speak a different language but I still hear your call."

i couldn't help it i had a bad habit of singing in the shower . just then i think Harry walked past the bathroom . he then knocked on the door ." nice singing honey even better than me at that ." he laughed . oh god i was so embraced i had just sang a one direction song in Harry's house . i could tell my cheeks were as red as a tomato . "shut up !" i shouted back to him . " diana let me be the one to lift your heart up  and save your life . " i heard him sing perfectly as he got ready in our room . " now your just showing off!" i souted as got out of the shower. 


we were finally ready and it was now 1 and were just waiting for the boys to arrive . " oh my god Elise you look absolutely incredible , i wont be able to let you out of my sight looking like thazt . " harry said as i came down stair . i giggle and looked down at the floor " you dont look too bad yourself ." i laugh as i give him a hug . just then the door bell rang . i went to go and answer it . i opened the door and there they were all in there tux's and looking amazing . " heyeeyyyy there she is " they all said and bombarded me with hugs."wow elise you look absolutely stunning louis said giving me a hug ."ha ha thanks well we better get going its about an hours drive . " i said as they all walked into the house 

 " the party tonight is going to be sick like can't wait ." zayn said to harry as i went to go and get my purse . "haha i know well some people are coming to set up while were out so went we get this place will look amazing. " harry said . "hey guys ." i said interupting there convisation ." hey beautiful , ready to go . " harry asked holding out his hand . i take it " yep." i reply poping the p . we all walked ou the house and to the van which was parked out side . we all got in me and harry in the front and the rest of the guys in the back . " oh my god elise i sooo carnt wait for you to go on tour with us ." niall said .

"i know its going to be so much fun ." i reply .

"yeah justt make sure louis dosent pull any pranks on you , coz last tour he put lemons in my shoes ."

"hahaha really well just to let you know tommo two can play at the pranking game ." i laugh.


we finally arrive at the university my mum and dad were the first to meet us . my mum came running up to me and gave me the biggest hug , nearly knocking all the air out of my lungs . "owww sweet pea ive missed you so so much . " she cooed . " oww same i said as we pulled away from the hug . i then went and hugged my dad and two brothers . " so ain't you going to introduce us ." my brother Scot asked . " oh yeah sorry . well boy this is my mum Annette , my dad Chris and my two brothers Andrew and Scot . and these are five boys who need no introduction , harry liam louis niall and zayn." i smiled as the y all waved . " we know who they all are we've had 4 years of you fangirling over them ." my dad laughed . " daaaadddd  ." i wined giving him a nudge in the side . " ha ha sorry princess. " my dad laughed . " well i think the ceremonies about to start so lets go." i said  as we began to walk towards the hall were the graduation ceremony was taking place . i had barely got thought the door when i was met by a screaming zoe ." eelllliiiiiiiiisssseeeeeee !!" she shouted as she ran up to my giving me a hug . "omg how are you i feel like i have talked to you in like forever . " she said pulling away from the hug ." i know well ive been super busy and anyways congratulations on hitting 3 millions subscribers on you tube . " i said 

"iknow well im just so happy , wait is that " she asked pointing to the boys. 

"yeahh its one direction , omg i totally forgot to tell you im seeing harry . " 

"sut the fuck up no way !" she yelled giving me another hug . 

" oh hey zoe long time no see ." harry saidas he came to my side . 

"wait wait you guy no each outher , when how ?" i said slighhtly confused . 

"we did an interview a wile back ."zoe ansewed . 

" oh yeah i totally remember ."that was so cool . 

" yeah and ive never liked marshmallows after that ." harry said and we all laughed . 

" well any way we need to get to our seats the ceremonies about to start " zoe said walking towards the line of chairs which were set up for graduates . 

"ill meet you afer i said to the boys before  i went to walk over to the seats . " good luck ." niall said after me . i gave him a tumbs up and walked over to the seats . the ceremony then began . 


"and so im proud to announce the class of 2013 official graduated ." 

every one cheered and threw there hats in the air . i was so happy every thing i had worked for finally coming true . i had the perfect boyfriend and friend and now im a graduated child psychologist . i couldn't be happier nothing could make me sad . 

a/n ok sorry this is such a shit chapter but im also doing the one shots for valentines day which im sure u will love oky well love yall byyyyeeeeeeeeeeee xxx 

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