last day

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-ive skiped the week she was at work coz it was boring so hear is the last day hope you like it - 

as i leaned on the till , my head resting on my hand . all i could think about was what life would be like on tour , having to spent every minute with the boys. i mean i know i pretty much do anyways but still . and on top of the it was my graduation tomorrow and harry had been taking me out every day after work to either get the dress or shoes or make up , i mean seriously even im tired of shopping , and im a girl !

i kept gazing at the clock on my phone wondering when my last ever shift will end . i mean don't get me wrong i loved this job and its so cool working along side your best friend , also this jobs is kinda the reason i met harry i mean if i hadn't been given the tickets to the signing this would never have happened . jess had been of today so i was just me in the shop and boring as hell . but i guess i would get to see her tomorrow at graduation and then harry has decided to throw a massive party at his house for my graduation with i tried to stop him from doing but he is so head strong . 

finaly the time read 5;00 and now it was the end of my shit and the end of my job at this music store . i signed out and got my bags before going out of  the shop to wait for harry in the parking lot . i decided during my free time to have a go at flappy bird , i shorty new it wa a bad idea as once i start i can't stop , serious that game is so addictive. finally i saw harry black range rover pulling up into the parking lot . i put my phone away and beginning to walk towards him , he then climbed out the car with is arms out stretched . i giggle and run into his arms. as i stared up to his beautiful green orbs i wondered how any one could be so perfect . he then leaned his head down giving me a kiss . "so how was your day then ." he asked as we pulled away from our embrace. " fine , bit boring though , just me bye my self . " i said pouting my lip . " hahah well anyway i managed to invite afew more people to the party tomorrow ." he smirked as he started the car .

" ohh harrrry don't tell me you haven't gone and invited a load of other  celebrity's ."

" i can't do that im afraid." he smirked popping out his dimples .god i loved it when he did that . "ohh harry ". i said crossing my arms ."don't worry you'll like them ." he laughed. " yeh like who ?" i said , my arms still crossed . well ive invited errm olly murs and Ellie goulding and err, oh yeah Jessie j . " he said smirking . " holy shit are you kidding those are like my most favourite people like ever !!!" i practically shouted . omg i can't believe those people are coming to by party my party . "well im glad you like my choice in people ."he laughed . "ill have to change my dress now ." i joked giving harry a playful punch in the arm . err no. you .are. not . we spent hours choosing that dress, and besides you look sexy as hell in that dress . god i can't wait to take it of you ." he said , seductively liking his lips . "harrrryyyy ." i said looking my feet . i hated it when he made me blush.but holy shit he was so fucking sexy when he liked his lips like that .

we then pulled up out side of his house . we got out the car and we walked towards the door "after you ." he offered opening the door." oo thank you ," i said smiling i walked past him and as i was in front of him he slapped my bum ."ehy cheeky ." i smirked before turning round to kiss him . my hands grasped the curls .he turned me around pressing me against the door , closing it in the process. his hand traveled down to my bum gently squeezing it . his lips then left my mouth and began to trail down my neck .i let out a loud moan as he sucked on my sweet spot . he continued to such leading to more moans . "jump." he whispered as he cupped the bottom on my bum . i  followed his request and jumped , wrapping my legs around his waist. his lips then connected with my lips once more . sucking harshly on my bottom lip.we then began shedding our clothes only later to be discovered the next morning in awkward  places.his hand trailed down my chest unbuttoning my shirt . we finaly made it to the bed room harry swiftly closed the door with his foot . " uhh fuck ive been waiting for this from the moment i saw you . " he said lying me on the bed .i bit my lip as he stood before me , his perfectly toned abs with the black of the tattoos seemed almost as if it had been created by angels . he began to unbutton his jeans freeing his grown bulge from beneath .he lowered im self over me , the warmth of his body on my skin was like heaven.i could feel his bulge against the inside of my leg.his hands trailed up my back and unclasped my bra . his hand then reached up to clasp my boob i let out a small mones. he then begin to remove his boxers so i so the same , removing my nickers and tossing them on the floor . before i knew it i felt him enter inside me .i let out a loud moan . "ugh my god baby ." harry moaned as be began thrusting into me , harder and harder.ever thrush hitting my spot on making me moan louder ."fuck el your so good ." harry moaned in between thrusts  "harry im gonna." i moan as i begin to hit my climax."me too." harry groans as his thrush's get faster and sloppier. i feel my climax coming , i grasp the sheet as the pleasure takes over my body .i release , shorty after harry does the same. he thrusts a few more times before pulling out of me . we lay there our sweaty body's gently caressing each other ."best sex ever ." harry says , brushing a piece of fallen hair from my face . i nod as i snuggle into his sweaty chest . "i love you." he says resting his head on mine. i life my head and stair into his eyes which where still deep green with lush . "i love you more ." i say tightening my arms around him . " i love you most ." he whispers kissing my head .

a/N hey guys sorry i haven't uploaded in like forever but my ipod broke and ive been really ill . will upload once a week due to being on the laptop. and als comment on any ideas from what should happen on tour . currently reading  psychotic and omg it is amazing . excuse any spelling mistakes and hope you like the slightly more dirty chapter , y'all thirsty . hahahah well can we just take a minute to talk about midnight memories holy shit just perfection wowowowowwo .and HAPPY BIRTHDAY HARRY for tomorrow 20 WOWOOWOWOWOWOW.please vote and comment coz i love talking to you and will allways reply to ever comment even if it kills me . okay well

byyyeeeeeeeeeee !!!!!!!! love yall xoxox~stay strong , allways .~

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