day to myself

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i woke up my head pounding . the memories of last night flooding back into my mind , what did niall mean ? was harry hiding some thing from me ?

i turned my head to see niall there sleeping like a little baby . harry and louis were asleep on the couch louis foot in harry face . i laughed and got up to get some thing to eat and some painkiller for this hangover . i decide to get some coffie, pain killers and make some toast for my self and the boys . as i watch the coffie mix with my milk ,best thing . Harry's phone vibrates on the counter. i decided to answer it .

m. "hey this is Elise hear ."

s. "hello Elise, its Simon. is harry there ?"

m. "he is kind of asleep so is Louis and niall ,"

s. " that must be why they aren't answering there phones . well can you remind them that they have an interview to get to in half an hour , so i stongly advise you get mr styles ,horan and tomlinson OUT OF BED !

m." ok im getting them up now."

s."thank you and elise , hope your ok after the show."

m."Im fine thank you, ill go and wake up the boy , take care bye ."

wow simon sound really pissed off at some thing , probably the boy . i go over to where harry was sleeping . i shake his shoulder to try and wake him ." harry baby you need to get up you and the boys have an interview in half and hour ."

"not now , wait SHIT BOYS GET THE FUCK UP NOW ! " harry shouted giving louis a small kick which caused him to fall of the couch and wake him up . i gave a small giggle and he got up and tried to fix his hair . " i made some toast for you , you ll have to quickly eat and go ." i said going to the kitchen and grabbing some plates ,butter and jam . "here eat this , simons just called me and he sounds pretty pissed off ." i said as i handed a plate of toast to niall who was still laid on the floor looking a bit disorientated . " i bet." harry said trying to do his hair in the mirror in the lounge. "you look fine don't worry ." i said giving him a kiss on the cheek. "thanks you so do you .really rocking that hair ." i blush realizing that half of my hair was out of the bun and the bun was half way down my head . i take my hair out of the hair bobble which had failed at its job and re did it into a ponytail.

the boys were pretty much ready niall and louis finishing off their breakfast and harry putting his shoes on with a slice of toast on one hand . " honey i total forgot about the interview will you be okay by your self ,don't leave the house .just in case ." he said before giving me a kiss on the lips . " ill be fine harry don't worry . " i said cupping his head in my hands . " now go before simon has another diva fit . " i said before opening the door . " ha ha OK bye Love you baby . come on boys were leaving ." he said as he walked to the black range-rover . niall came out the door giving me a hug with his jacket in his hand . "bye el!"he yelled as he ran to the car . louis then went and gave me a hug and walked out the door with one shoe slipped on and one on his hand "bye elel miss you ." he said waving good by ."see ya later tommo ".i said returning a wave . once they had all drove out of the gates i closed the door . i slumped on the couch quickly falling back to sleep .

it was about 3 o clock when i woke up to . i decide just to have an apple and a packet of crisps seeming i wasn't that hungry . what to do in this huge house . i decided to explore ,i mean how often do you get to spend the day in a house this big . i decide the start from the bottom and work my way up . i discovered a gym and office downstairs . well I'm definitely going to the gym today then . i then went up to the first floor where i found multiples pair rooms and a music room . i then went to the second floor . i discovered a the bathroom with a Jacuzzi and a sauna which im definitely taking for a spin and a huge what looked like a cinema/games room . i wondered id he has GTA5 because if he is i will be most certainly going to challenging him to a game .
well that was my day sorted , work out in the gym followed by a Jacuzzi and sauna ,finished of with a game of GTA. what more could a person want . After going in the gym , working out to the point that when I got of the bike my legs collapsed beneath me ,sexy I know .. I was hot sweaty and gross which mean ... It was jacuzzi time Yey ! I ran up stairs , I had never had a jacuzzi before . I turned the water on and it filled up quicker than I thought . I don't know rather to put bubble bath in or not . After deciding for like five minutes .I take a long time to make devotions ok . I decided to put it in . I only put a drop and turned on the jacuzzi . The bubbles then began to rise . I stepped in the bath and omfg it was brilliant . The bubbles then got really high to the point where they were above my head when I was sat in the bath . Okay life lesson number 175500 dont put bubble bath in the jacuzzi . Oops . I sated in the jacuzzi gor what felt like hours but when I finally got out it was only 6 o'clock . Wow I need to find a way of killing time . I decided to go in the sauna to dry of , I knew how to work it because my auntie used to have one . As I let the warmth take over my skin I began to feel realy tired ,but I decided not to fall asleep in the sauna and get dressed . I just put on some white Hollister sweats and a hoodie with I <3 ny on . Well I've never been to new york but I'm sure I would love it if I went .i was quite hungry so i went in to the kitchen to get some thing to eat . i decided on some super noodles . after i had cooked the noodles i just decided to be a couch-potato and see what was on Netflix . to my surprise the new one direction movie was on .okay i know im staying in harry styles house and 3/5 of them were asleep on the floor this morning but i still wanted to watch it and there was nothing else i found appealing to watch . i turned on the movie and snuggled up on the couch with my noodles . i was half wy through the film , just at the but where louis makes a cup of tea on his head went harry walks through the door .i quickly pause and change the TV over ."babe were you just watch our movie ?" he asked with a playful smirk. "err yes , no , so what if i was?" i said turning a deep shade of red . omg i couldn't believe that he just caught me watching a 1D movie i feel like the biggest idiot in the world. "why when you have me right hear ." he said slouching down on the couch and putting his arm around me while giving me a cheeky kiss on the cheek ."because a, its a good movie ,b, I'm a directioner and c, what makes you think im interested in you ." i said snuggling into him giving him a lingering kiss on his lips . "i think we both know you were only interested in me ." he whispered in my ear ,suddenly i sequel as he begins to tickle me . "harry , harry stop!" i sequel while in fits if laughter ."are you interested in me now" he said placing his for head against mine . " maybe ." i say biting my lip. " dont do that ." he smirks . " why not ? "i ask biting my lip even more . " because now i have to kiss it ."he says placing his lips against mine.our kiss was passionate and heated.his tong brushed lightly  over my bottom lip asking for entrance  which i granted. our tongs explored each other mouths before i granter him dominance. his hands slid around my waist pulling me closer until i was almost straddling him. our kiss got increasingly passionate . he then broke the kiss and his lips then began to trail down my neck  to my chest. "harry , wait i cannot do this ." i whisper . i didn't know is i could do this , i mean i know that millions of girls would kill to be in my position , literally . but i just wasn't ready for this .me and harry had barely been dating a week . "its okay baby i wont do anything you don't want ." he said giving me a gentle kiss on the lips before i snugged into him . he switched the tv back on ."now what do you say we finished this movie you love so much ." he said turning the 1D movie back on ."you dont have to watch it if you dot want to  you know ." i said ."el if you want to watch the movie, i want to watch the movie." he said before pressing play on the movie . we watched tge rest of the movie . after the movie ended which was atualy quite funny watching the person your sitting next to on the tv. he then got up of the couch and went into the kitchen. "do you want anything to eat or drink ?" he shouted from the kitchen ."ill just have a drink of water please babe,what are you having ."i call back ."some tacos want some ?" he asks. "yeah please ,love you !" i shouted back to him ."love you more ." he called back. every time he said that it gave me butterfly's.

after eating we watched some breaking bad which harry had got addicted to . i then looked at my phone it was half one , now wonder im tired. "im going to bed now im sooo tired ." i said yawning ."okay ill be up in a minute night baby , love you." he said giving me a kiss."love you more a say as i go up stairs. i get changed into one of Harry's tops and snuggle down into the soft warm quilts. 


ok heyy what did you think to this chapter hope its ok and thank you so so much .i managed to hit 100 readers yeeeyy (party popper and music ) seriously love all you guys who read this and you can always comment ideas and vote so please do so . okay love ya all byyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeexx

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