Tour ?

18 1 0

I woke to the sound if voices down stairs .
Last night Harry had brought me to his house , and now I guess my house seemings mine is a wreak and Harry told me I could stay as long as I wanted. After calling the police , Harry went around my house looking from any things I might need , well what was left of them . The police had came to the flat and asked us loads of questions about insurance and any suspects . I just answered the best I could with tears. Streaming down my face . Once that was finally over Harry took me home .

I decided to get out of bed . I then walked over to the mirror in the bed room and attempted to fit my hair , I decided on just a messy bun . I walked Down the stairs towards the lounge . I opened the door and there were all the boys , Paul and another guy I didn't recognise. Harry got up of the seat and went to my side . " hey honey have a nice sleep ?" he asked giving me a kiss . " um yeah I guess I shrugged . Trying to figure out why all their people were in the house . " hey I'm Paul nice to meet you .Paul said walking up to me and shaking my hand ."nice to meet you I'm Elise ." I responded giving him a smile . " pretty name , I've herd so much about you , harry hear wont stop telling me about you . " he laughed looking at Harry . I could tell Harry was blushing ." okay well that's enough of introductions .shall we just come out with it ?" Harry asked taking me to a seat . I sit down and staid at the boys who all look so happy . "Elise me and the boys have decided that it would be amazing if you could go on tour with us in America ." Harry said holding my hand . What omg I couldn't believe it going on your with one direction , this in my dreams come true , holy shit ! " sooo what do yah think ." Louis asked , grinning from ear to ear . I mobbed " yes , yes if corse I will ." I smiled as they all attracted me in a massive group Hug. " oh my god el it's going to be so much fun with you around !" Niall yelled as we pulled away from the hug . " yeah nialls but it means you Carnt do any farting , there will be a lady on the bus ." Liam laughed giving Niall a friendly punch in the arm . "no sorry no can do , I'll have to put up with it el soz ." Niall said shrugging his shoulders . "haha it's fine don't worry." I laughed . I've got 3 brothers who are just gross so I'm kind of used to the smell makes can produce .

"I'm going to go and get some breakfast dose any one want any thing . " no thanks ." the boys said in unison . I went in the kitchen and make my self some toast and orange juice . I sat back down on the couch and began eating . " so when do we go on tour ." I asked while eating my toast . "5 th of September ." Liam said . Shit that only 2 days after my graduation . " is that ok ." zayn asked . "yeah it's fine it's just going to be a fast turnaround seeings my graduation is on the 3 ."I admitted .
"yeah we know but song worry it will all be fine ."Harry said putting an arm around me . " we're all coming to your graduation by the way ." Louis said smiling away . " well it'll definately be fun with you guys around . " I laughed . "can say that again Niall said grabbing a pice of toast I hadn't rated of my place . I gave him a shocked look and he slowly put the pice of tiat back on my plate . "thank you ." I said raising my eyebrow. I eat the last pice of toast and go upstairs to get ready . I decide on just a stripy best top and light coral blaster with black leggings.
I go down stairs to find Louis and Niall in the weardest wrestling match in the world . I laugh at them and quickly snap a photo of the two of them . "what the hell are you guys doing ." I ask jumping onto the sofa. "oh well louis was just showing me how unstrong he is ." Niall said jumping of Louis and onto the couch where I was sitting . "Niall im not even sure that's a word ." I say laughing at his attempts . He shrugged and continues eating some Harry-bows that were on the coffee table . I try to steal one of him before be grabbed the back away from me . I place the sweet in my mouth and stick my tough out at him like a little child . "well guys I was thinking we all need some stuff for tour and we won't get much time to go and get things before we do so how about we go and get some stuff now ?" Liam asks while on his phone , probably tweeting ."yeah sound like a good idea every one up for it ?" Harry says taking some Harry bows of niall. "yeah sound good ." I say . " cool well we better leave now before the shops get too crouded . " Liam says reach from his coat . " okay just let me get so stuff ." I say before running upstairs to get my bag and hoodie . Even though it was end of August it was quite cold . I ran back down stairs to find the boys at the front door waiting for me . ' ready to go ." Louis asks opening the door ." yep " I say popping the p after slipping on some toms . "let roll." Harry said going to the black car in the drive . "wait are there enough seats?" Liam asks before going in the car ." "oh shit yeah I total forgot , err Louis , you and elise will have to share a seat ." Harry said looking guilty . " fine by me ." I said getting it the car . " wow haz you do realise if we get caught we will be in so much trouble ." liam said looking worried . "calm down daddy direction we'll be fine now come on . " Louis said sitting next to me . I was a realy tight squeeze to get us all in but we managed it . " to the shopping centa!" louis shouted . We all laughed as Harry drive out the drive way and onto the road .


Hey sorry about spelling mistakes , iPod is fucking up big time . I think it only has days to live . ( dramatic crying ) okay well hope you all like it and I'm going to be doing shorter chapters but more of them so hope you like . Okay love yah all bbyyyyyyeeeee xox

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