Back to work

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I was woken by the annoying beep of the alarm . I reach my arm over to silence it . Harry moans from behind me as he is also woken up by my alarm . " ugh go back to sleep its too early ." Harry groans as his arm wraps tighter around me . "no sorry I have to go to work ." I say unwrapping his arm from around me . I decide to take a shower .
After taking the shower I get ready and go downstairs . I glance at the clock on the wall 7:30 in the morning . Uhh it's just too early but oh we'll I only have to put up with one more week and then I am outa there . I get some breakfast and by the time I've eaten it it was time to go . I call a taxi and wait for it to pick me up . About 10 minutes later it comes . I go out the house and into the taxi still half asleep . I decide to text Harry good morning knowing that he probably won't open it till about ten i, lucky thing .
I finally arrived at the music shop where I worked . I got out the tacit and paid the driver . I walked in and went straight to the back of the shop to put my bag down . Just then a pair of arms wrapped around me . " heyy el did you miss me !" Jessie shouted in my ear . I've only been gone a week ." I said giving her a hug . " I know but it's been sooo boring here while you where off with mr styles . " she smirked . " look jess I need to tell you something why I was off but I carn tell you here . " I said leading her into the vinyl cupboard . " what what is it ." she whispered . Look promise you won't tell any one ." I said . " promise." she responded holding out her pinky . We linked our pinkys in a pinky promise .
I told her the whole story about Siva and the wanted and she just remained quiet . Tears brimming in her eyes . " Elise you seriously have to tell some one , I know your scared but he could get arrested . " she said giving me a hug . I couldn't hold it in . Tears began to stream out my eyes . "and that not all ." I said pulling away from her . " no , what Is it ." she said practically shouting . I then told her about the mysterious note . She just listened when I have finished she just have me a big hug . " don't worry it'll be ok she is probably just a crazy fan who is just jealous , but you and Harry know what she says isn't true and that's all that matters , Harry knows the truth and loves you unconditionally , just remember that ." she said pulling away from me . " thanks Jessie , your the best friend anyone could wish for . " I said wiping the tears from my eyes . " oww and your not that bad either." she said laughing . " now haway let's open the tills ." I said going out the room .
We set up the tills and went to work . Bus's ness wasn't very fast today so I decided to call Harry and tell him to pick me up early from work . Me and Jessie just chatted on the tills but didn't want to talk about the incidents that had Taken place the week before . "so what are you wearing for graduation ?" I asked as I served another customer with a tacked smile . " err I dunno , I dunno if I should where a long dress or a short one . " she said while re arranging the CDs next to the till. " we'll I was thinking of just wearing a shirt dress coz I should get annoying if it kept dragging across the floor . " I said waving good bye to a costumer . " yeah I guess , yeah I'll get a short dress . " she said before she looked up at the customer that had just entered the shop . She just smiled and looked at me . I looked towards the customer and there he was . Mr Harry styles . He smiled at me and walked towards the till . " hey could I preorder the cd and err there was done thing else , errm oh yeah a big smooch from my girlfriend . " he smiled , making my heart flutter
" is that the new will. cd , power ? " I asked typing it into the computer ." yeah and I remember I asked for something else please . " he whispered leaning over the counter .
I leaned in and gave him . A kiss , it felt like magic every time our lips toughed . We pulled away . " so how's your day been ?" Harry asked smiling . " fine business has been a bit slow but it's been good . I said packing away the plastic bags under the counter . " cool , well when your stirred we can go . " he said " ok just give me a minute ." I say sighing out of my till . I get everything packed away and go to get my bag before meeting Harry in the shop . " ready to go . " he asked getting his car keys out his coat pocket . " yep " I say , poping the p . We walk out and to the car park . We get in the car before Harry gives me a big kiss . Our youngster entering each others mouths . We kissed for what felt like forever , but still not long enough . Harry then starts the engine and we drive away ." so did you tell jess about what's been happening ." he asked as he drove . " yeah " I said twiddling my thumbs . " and ? " he asked . " we'll she said I should tell the police and get a court order , but I don't want that , I just want to forget it ever happened , I'm with you now and that is all that matters . "

A/n okay so what do you think of this chapter , I'll be skipping the week she is at work coz its boring but hope your ok with it . Please please comment and vote coz those things mean the world to me okay bbbbyyyyyeeeee !!love y'all xox

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