1 - LOST

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 2 weeks ago... 


The person behind the dark cloak leaped over the roof and threw hazardous materials that stopped the two heroes from hunting her tracks. She dashed more steps and performed various movements eagerly. 

People often believed her hideous and unbreakable personality ever since she outwitted the innocents by stealing and beguiling them. 

Though astonished by the silence that possessed the streets, the stretchable yellow dog extended his arms sideways and encircled the thief inside. Everyone hid inside their gingerbread houses as they witnessed the commotion. Countless guards with safety suits (imagine how threatening she was) served as their shield. Nonetheless, the courageous woman stood in the middle with a scornful image. She lowered her hood once more and concealed her true identity. Finn hurdled inside and took his sword but the thief remained standing. He thrusts his sword, glaring at his opponent sternly before proceeding to the next position. 

"You're going nowhere." 

"You sure 'bout that?" she interrogated monotonically with a knowing smirk that gained attention to the heroes. Suddenly, a cloud of black smoke filled the air which suffocated the citizens by its massive component. Finn managed to fight back even if his visions faded, but eventually, he lost his balance. 

He fainted. 

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They killed my parents.

They tortured them.

They raided my hometown.

And I was left alone, away from those monsters.

I live with my family in a small town protected by the magic of the GemStone Forest. It keeps us away from the outsiders and the reality of slavery. We somehow felt at ease, knowing that the magic kept us safe. But then it all disappeared in just a blink of an eye when Outsiders started outnumbering my hometown.

We were threatened, punished, and killed yet Outsiders thirsted for violence, greed, and prosperity. I saw how their well-whetted swords decapitated my parents in just one swift motion.

I wish I was killed too, the way my family was treated, so I can no longer feel anything. I'm alone, no food to eat, a place to live in, and parents to wish me luck and embrace me in a never-ending comfort.



I stared at my swollen ankle, remembering the chase I was involved in between the Outsiders. Yes, I had escaped hell and brought me to this seashore before even knowing how far I drifted from familiarity to unfamiliarity.

While searching for any valuable material, I spotted my leopard-print bag beside me. I dusted its dirty cover and tightened my grasp on the strap of my bag as I leave the sand heavy-footed.

Surprisingly, this island had no houses nor abandoned ones that I can search for; just an ordinary forest with the most peaceful ambiance and scenery. I lifted my foot forward to follow the north that the winds led me to. A limited family of trees was in presence and a pond was seen in the middle. I haven't seen my reflection yet—like forever—since the day I escaped my island. My eyes looked like I was addicted to drugs, my hair ruffled down like a mop and my face wrinkled terribly. "I look horrible."

I splashed the cold water onto my face and wipe it with my rugged cloth that looked buried for years. I dug through the bottom of my bag to search for a lost hairband that was (f/c) in color then tied my hair in a ponytail without brushing it. I made my last glimpse at my reflection before leaving the vicinity. "Much better."

Fortunately, I still remember everything I packed inside my bag despite the damning war.

I opened the flap of my bag to grab my jacket. I may have this strong sense of danger and the Outsiders might be here somewhere. Its hood might cover half of my image so I slipped my hands in the pockets then lowered my hood once more.

Every attainable material I perceived failed to amuse me - except this certain area that earned my attention. The ground is powdered with lost snow, although there aren't mountains in a distance nor polar bears that will surprisingly pounce at me. The sky is lively than usual and the sun shone to its full potential. That doesn't explain the abundant snow during scorching weather.

I carefully stepped and continued exploring the forest that I discovered. The trees are luxuriant with leaves of emerald color—similar to ours but our leaves concealed the emerald gems we owned.

Aside from the bushes, leaves, and dominant trees, the place is not abandoned and dull. Its unique appeal resembled my island that shone before it was invaded by Outsiders.

The cold, gentle breeze caressed my cheeks that avoided sweeping my hood with its soft brush. I stroll by the bushes that surrounded my way before a flare of white light appeared in front of me. I followed its radiance, leading me towards another path where a large sign stands at the center of the forest.

"Land of Ooo..."

Meanwhile in the Candy Kingdom...

I can't believe a very rare virus infected everyone including Finn and Jake. If that nitwit never existed in the first place, I wouldn't be risking myself to find that golden leaves of cocoa.


Not again...


"She's here..."

I took my lab mask off my face and settled the first antidote for the patients. I never expected that she will return, but if that dum-dum tried to wreck my kingdom as well as the Ooo itself, I will do what it takes for our safety.

Before I leave the laboratory, I took my tranquilizer gun and other weapons then immediately left the kingdom. Peppermint Butler and I rushed behind the bushes that surrounded the entrance. I follow the girl's wondering figure as I aim my tranquilizer gun at her arm.

"What is she up to, this time..." Peppermint Butler whispered to me, still in the position of ambushing our target. "A peace offering," I scoffed, "Sarcastically speaking..."

Once again, we covered our faces with the masks he gave me to hide. The innocent stood in the middle of the kingdom while I charge the gun with loads of bullets. When she finally had her last budge, the click from my gun resonated in the plaza as well as the collapsing thud she made.


"We got her."

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