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The dark soul flew to its way where he started whirling around, carrying the poor girl's innocent body covered in his shadows. Beguiled by the ruthless king of death, Y/n was tricked to achieve her duty to save her sister. It was his most awaited journey to accomplish his plan but his apprentice didn't come back after affection started empowering her mind and soul. The human boy thought he will never come back for he was reincarnated into a baby. However, he ascended to control every mind and compose a greater army.

Into the deepest and darkest secrets of a hideaway, he kept the girl's presence on the ground surrounded by stones and boulders. Her hair flowed down, her eyes fluttering with innocence. From the looks of the poor girl, the spirit controlled her easily. She was impassive and innocent. 

"Young human girl, listen to me." he bolted, his bass voice piercing the child's ears even in his control. "Yes, master." She replied in her monotonic voice as she slouched her back, her eyes flickering gently in a pathetic gazer.

"What shall I do now, master?" she asked, standing after them with a straight posture. "Become my bait. Lure them in our den. Remember that I am in control of your life." She nodded her head leisurely and without haste, she touched his master's hand to form a compromising gesture.

"Yes, master."


Now that everyone in the kingdom knew Y/n went missing, Princess Bubblegum didn't know what to do. If she let her banana guards search for her friend, they might end up bruised or wounded since their place is prone to danger. Nevertheless, if it's the only way then it shall be done for the safety of everyone. 

"Banana guard number one to seven, search for Y/n, otherwise, go back safely." The Banana Guards did what they are told as they lined up, walking straight out of the gate. "Be home safe!" Finn waved goodbye while they made their way through the end of the kingdom's surface. "I'm really hoping for their safety. Even for Y/n too. Ooo is really prone to danger and I don't want them to get hurt." Princess Bubblegum sighed, reassuring each candy people that Y/n is alright and she'll come back soon.

As for Finn and Jake, they slouched down on the bench. BMO popped his face from Finn's bag then hopped out of it for fresh air. "Will she be okay?" Jake muttered to himself but BMO reacted nervously. The robot fiddled his fingers and moved frantically out of character which was immediately noticed by the two. "BMO?" they asked in unison that brought the robot jumping surprisingly, "I'm worried about Y/n."

If it's Y/n that he worries about, what more if BMO saw their friend missing. "She's always with you. Do you know where she went?"

BMO frowned, frightened by Finn's choice of tone. "You're scaring him," Jake told Finn.

"No, Jake. But I do know something about Y/n." They both gasped in unison. "I was in the bathroom that day. The windows were opened wide enough for me to go outside. When I saw Y/n outside, a man in a dark cloak spoke with her."

"What?" BMO shrugged. Peppermint Butler showed up out of nowhere, eavesdropping on their conversation.

Peppermint Buttler was known as The Dark One. He was curious to know who was behind the dark cloak.

"Peppermint butler!"

They gave him a straight face then questioned, "What are you doing here?" Instead, the butler interfered with their question, rather than replying to them with an answer. "I knew it! That girl is suspicious. It could be the necklace." 

Finn interrupted, "And what do you know about it?" Peppermint Butler continued rubbing his palms together, conceited about his own inspection.

"The necklace happens to be Lich's instrument to control one's mind. He has controlled Y/n now. The only thing we need to do is find her and destroy that necklace before Lich creates another destruction."



"Do you have any proof regardless of the necklace?" Princess Bubblegum scratched her head, remembering how dangerous Lich was if one has come near him, "We don't need any proof for this. I've known Lich for years and I'm positive that he has something to do with her and the necklace!"

Finn rose from his feet then said, "But isn't Sweet Pea with Tree Trunks? Last time I checked, the Lich became a child." 

"He may be reincarnated but it doesn't mean he'll never go back."

Finn rubbed his temples. If he fails to save Y/n, then he might kill her. "We just can't let the Lich control her. We need to save her!" Princess Bubblegum shouted. What could be Lich's weakness?

"Before you save Y/n, find his book to unravel his weakness. Knowing it will surely help you defeat him and bring Y/n back to you."


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