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When the day reached dawn and we finished visiting the dungeon, I decided to stay in their tree fort and might as well leave the small house empty. I can't just sleep there alone so maybe leaving what my sister and I created will be a good memoir to remember. I packed my belongings inside my leopard-print backpack then cleaned up the shards that I broke. Finn said they can use this room as their storage instead so even if I leave it for the time being, it wouldn't be abandoned. 

I cleaned the last items under my bed then saw a familiar cloth. 

"Jane's cloak?"

I dusted it, folding it quickly then pressing it between my books and other stuff I kept in my bag. Unexpectedly, a red light started flashing behind the cabinet. I ran next to it, grabbing a blood-like blade from behind. It was shining red, its lambent appearance entices eyes to glow like its color. 

"It's pretty," I murmured while lifting it above me, shifting it in various directions. Jane must have cared for it so much that it looked majestic. I wish I knew how to use this. If only I could be like her so I can help Finn since Jane decided to sacrifice herself for my safety.

I wore my backpack and carried the sword all the way to the tree fort where Finn stood beside Jake. "Is that Jane's?" Jake approached me, his hand gesturing me to lend him my heavy backpack. I answered a hum. 

"It's still pretty," Finn commented.

As Jake closes the door after welcoming me inside, I sat beside BMO, placing the sword on the desk gingerly. I stared at its bright red shade, pointy end, and pommel. It looked almost blazing to set an opponent in flames. "So beautiful," BMO widened his eyes, carefully touching its smooth surface. "Jane told me it came from the heart of your island."

"Really?" I gasped. I didn't know my island would have a heart of its own. How would that be possible? "I wish I could learn stuff like that," Finn suddenly glanced at me like he saw a ghost. I raised an eyebrow then mouthed, "What?"

"I can teach you how," he smiled, showing off a few of his teeth. He gestures me to go outside. He quickly grasped the handle of the sword, grabbing my other hand to rush outside for something. "What are we doing here?" he crossed his arms then said, "To practice, what else? I heard you that you want to learn using that sword." Finn grinned.

"Jake, toss my sword!"

"I don't think I can do this. I'm not even close to killing a rat."

He rose his eyebrow then pulled me next to him, our eyes meeting again, his breath softly touching my skin. I can really feel my face starting to heat up again. "If you want to learn, you have to strive for it." Finn pushed me forcefully, my butt hitting the ground. "Mind if you act less harshly?"

"In a battle, you have to learn to depend on yourself. You rely on your own. You have to be brave enough to kill your opponent."

"Why are you so sure about this?" He just snorted then continued, "We haven't even practiced yet but you're already babbling."

"Stop wondering, start focusing. If you want to win, you need a full potential focus. Focus does every technique and it helps you manipulate the stance that you need to act." I scratched the back of my head then cocked an eyebrow, "Don't give me that look, start imitating my stance." he retorted.

"When did you become so stern?"

Finn gave out a sigh then spoke, "I'm teaching you to live."

"Sure." I copied his posture wherein the right leg is kind of in front while the other is at the back. I also recognized his way of holding the sword so I try imitating it even his eye contact. "Ready?"

"For what?"

"For this!" He aimed his sword at me as I backed away, hitting the ground once again. "I thought this was a practice, how come you started pouncing at me?"

"Because I want to test your reflex. If you don't have that, we can't start the practice yet."

"What?! I thought the whole stance move was the start of the practice?" I sat on the ground, laying down the sword. "You're quitting?" he plopped down beside me while laying his sword between us. "I hate failing, Finn. It's just, fighting does not fit me. but I want to help you fight too."

"Well, it's not a battle if you don't fail." He curved his lips then lent me my sword. "Ready to take the advantage of failing?" I nodded my head in response then smiled after he pulled me off the grass.

"I'm ready."

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