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That's what they all expect from me.

I felt guilty, the fact that I have these instincts to do what my master says.

To follow what he desires...

To do what he wants...

Even when it's dangerous.

I guess I'm still a bad guy. Why do I feel this darkness whenever I follow my path? To be honest, I became arrogant. I only want my master's power because I kept seeking revenge. I wanted to battle the Outsiders or kill them with my own hands but it's not what my family wants me to be. Even if we're born to fight, we don't tolerate revenge because we sacrifice for our people to do good.

"Die for your country with a good title. Be a model of heroes."

My step-father often reminded me of this oath. I doubt taking this promise because I already disobeyed one: Being trustworthy.


I pulled my hood down a little bit more, scuffing farther away from the voices approaching, acting like I didn't know anything. Though I heard that voice before. I don't exactly remember where.



He's alive?

I turned around to see if it was really my step-brother and I was shocked seeing him all dressed up as a rebel.

He became one of them, an Outsider.

"Wh-what on earth are you doing?" I whispered nervously, expecting what they are doing in Ooo.

"I-it's none of your business."

"None of my business? Who the fuck are you to say that to me! You think mom and dad are proud?" I raised my voice, completely forgetting about the commotion I'm creating. "Don't say that as if they're your family." I clenched my fist then punched him on his right cheek. Blood dripped down his lips; his face having a fist mark from me. "Neil? What's going on?" One of his armies started approaching him. I shifted to the north without leaving any tracks behind.

"Fucking bullcrap."


"Hey, Jane!" One of the banana guards greeted me. I gave them a simple wave and immediately asked them a question. "Is the princess busy? I want to talk to her." I fidgeted my fingers nervously, terrified because in any minute now, the outsiders will arrive on Ooo. "She's at the pantry with Finn and Jake." I stepped inside, seeing the guards clear the entrance for me. 

Just as I enter the hallway, one of Princess Bubblegum's nurses approached me. I scuffed next to her and asked my concern. I gave her a quick thank you before zooming through the hallway in various directions. Surprisingly, after I barged inside the kitchen, everyone gave me serious faces, forgetting how rude I looked to enter without knocking.

"Jane? What happened to you?" Y/n stood up from her seat, approaching me with a worried look. "We need to move fast. Zankoku's army is coming."

Her face changed quickly but the others remained puzzled, asking me who the heck is Zankoku and why he's at us. "Zankoku is now the reigning king of Takara. He stole our island to abuse the kingdom's power and wealth. But I never knew he'll hunt us down and how he ended up in Ooo."

"I know."

"You knew? But how?"

"I was having these wisp dreams and it told me that an army will outnumber Ooo just like what you've told us a while ago," she bit her lip then continued, "I asked Finn if he ever had one but he told me about a croak dream that might happen in the reality. He told me about the Cosmic Owl that is very similar to mine except, I dream about a wisp, not an owl. According to Princess Bubblegum, she calls it a croak dream or a prophetic dream."

"But how are we suppose to prepare for a fight if there is no enough time to get ourselves ready?" Finn interrupted while I think for an easy plan to do to prevent the outsiders from entering the surface.

Zankoku probably gave them advanced weaponry. What could be a good material to keep them away from us aside from composing an army?

"What about my newest invention of a dome? I made a surface void that protects an island."

"That would be great but will it take a long time to cover Ooo?" Princess Bubblegum gave out a sigh and said, "It may hold it long but it will only cover sixty-five of an island." I glanced at the window then back at them, particularly at my sister. I held her cold, sweaty hand. She let out a small smile then whispered, "I'm just scared because I can't help but think how miserable I am if ever I lose another family of mine."

❇ ❇ ❇

"You think she went that way?"

"Yes, sir." Hirohito patted my back, the head of our army and the leader of us all. I gave him a fake smile, stroking my swollen cheek from Jane's punch. Honestly, I feel regretful whenever the job of a conqueror flashes inside my mind since I already had a decision to protect my will.

"Don't think too much," he said sternly as I walk next to him. He does really know me despite being his partner or his assistant leader. "Sir Neil, I must cure you before it gets worse." Abigail, our head nurse, walked next to me, gesturing to the van. She damped a cold cloth on my cheek.


"Sorry. Take this and continue damping on it." 

She laid a small pill on the table then smiled.

After I jump off the van, Hiroshima, our first recruit, approached me with a worried look on his face. "What brings you here?" Most of our members were taking a break but I didn't see him resting well. He told me that his other troops were finding a way out of the confusing forest because it only led them to where they started.

"Try to look for a trap. I'm positive that there is a gadget that makes it confusing."

"Yes, sir!" he stiffened his back and saluted before doing what I told him.

Traps. I know exactly who does that. I'm positive she likes leaving traps when we were young.

I'm sure it's part of her plan.

"Run wherever you want, Jane. I'll still follow you."

❇ ❇ ❇

- heavily edited

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