|Nagisa Shiota| New Neighbor

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A/N: I was bored :/.... and this was before Nagisa's parents divorced c:

Song: "A Thousand Years" by Christina Perri

Genre: Fluff, Past, Young!Nagisa, Young!Musician!Reader

(L/N): Your Last Name
(H/C): Your Hair Color
(E/C): Your Eye Color
(M/N): Your Mother's Name
(Y/N): Your First Name
(F/N): Your Father's Name

Nagisa's POV

My mother was getting me ready to meet the new neighbors.

"But mom..." I complained.

"Hush now, we should welcome our new neighbors. I heard that they have a daughter/son as old as you" mom said smiling.

"Maybe s/he's cute" dad teased and I just rolled my eyes.

"Gross dad!" I said and they laughed.

"Come on, Nagisa. Maybe it won't be that bad" dad said playfully punching my arm.

"I just hope they're nice..." I mumbled and mom grabbed my hand.

"We don't want to be late," she said,

"Do we really need to do this mom?" I complained.

"Nagisa..." mom said about to get angry so I stayed quiet.

When we got to the new neighbors' house, I heard music playing softly as mom rang the doorbell; a woman with (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes answered it and the music became louder.

"Oh! You must be the Shiotas, come in, come in" she warmly greeted and stepped aside so we could get inside.

"Thank you for having us for dinner, Mrs. (L/N)" mom said smiling.

"Just call me (M/N)" she said and looked at me, "And who's this dashing young man?" she asked kneeling to my level and I hid behind mom.

"This is Nagisa, our son" dad said messing my hair.

"Nice to meet you, Nagisa-kun," the woman said happily.

"N-nice to meet you too..." I mumbled as she smiled at me at stood up.

"The dining room is just over there, I'll go fetch my husband and my daughter/son," Mrs. (L/N) said.

"Why don't you go meet her/him, Nagisa?" dad suggested and I was wary about the idea.

"Don't worry, (Y/N) doesn't bite. S/he's just a little quiet" Mrs. (L/N) said.

"...okay," I said and went to Mrs. (L/N)'s side.

"We'll see you later, champ," dad said winking.

As we walked upstairs, the music became louder and louder until we stopped at a room and Mrs. (L/N) opened the doors, revealing a man with (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes playing the piano with a young girl/boy.

"(F/N)! The guests are here" Mrs. (L/N) said making the two stop playing.

"Oh, hello there! You must be their son" the man said looking at me.

"Why don't you go say 'hi' to him (Y/N)?" The man said to the girl/boy; s/he nodded and walked towards me.

"Hello, I'm (Y/N)" s/he said softly smiling and reached out her hand.

"I-I'm Nagisa," I said grabbing her/his hand.

"You two can play later after dinner," Mrs. (L/N) said and we all went downstairs.

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