A/N: 101 VOTES?!!? THANK YOU SO MUCH!! 。・゚ヾ(✦థ ェ థ)ノ。゚・。 Sorry for being inactive for weeks!
Genre: Scenario
(Y/N): Your First Name
(N/N): Your Nickname
(B/T): Your Birth Town
(F/C): Your Favourite Country
(BFF/N): Best Friend's Name
(Y-Y/N)-chan! H-how are you and your family doing in (B/T)? I hope you're having fun! I really wanted to spend our vacation with you though... but family always comes first, right? Your parents were really sweet to invite me but Mom didn't want me to go... It's only been two days but I already miss waking up knowing I'll get to see you and hear you, hehe... Sorry, that was pretty cheesy, huh? Anyways, I'm probably talking too much already... I hope time flies by faster... Love you!
(N/N)-chan~ how dare you leave me alone~? I guess I'll have to punish you when you come back~! Hehe, are you having fun with your folks in (F/C)? When I gave your parents those plane tickets, I didn't think they would have brought you along... I really wanted to spend our vacation with just the two of us too... Oh well~ I guess I'll just have to make you repay me when you come back, so you better be ready, hehe~
(Y/N)! How are things back at home? Sorry I couldn't bring you along to our game... The coach said that you might distract me while training even though I told him you're actually the one giving me inspiration... I actually keep looking at the pictures we took on our last date before I left whenever I have a game! But sometimes I miss hugging you, cuddling with you, kiss-- U-Uhm never mind that!! Ah! Coach is calling me, I'll see you in three days, my muse!
(Y/N)-san! S-sorry if I disturbed you... I hope you're having fun with (BFF/N) in (F/C)! I wish I didn't have work this week... I... I just really wanted to hear your voice, I guess, hehe...! My younger siblings kept on bugging me on when you're coming back too... T-they even suggested me to m-m-marry you so that you won't leave, hehe... it's not a bad thought, to be honest... A-agh, forget about t-that! S-sorry! T-they actually wanted you to bring some souvenirs if that's possible... but if you can't, I'm pretty sure they'll understand. I just want you to come back safely... Oh, manager's calling me, I'll call you again later!
(N/N)! How are you and (BFF/N) in (F/C)? I hope you're enjoying your vacation! The guys there better keep their hands off my angel... If anyone tries to hit on you, don't hesitate to call me! I'll make use of what Karasuma-sensei taught us to protect you! (HIROTO-KUN! WHERE ARE YOU?) A-ah, sorry, (N/N)... ever since you left, the girls got more flirty with me... Jeez, what part of "I already have (N/N)" don't they understand!? *sigh* But even though they do hit on me, your face keeps popping on my mind... Your sparkly eyes... your smile... it makes my chest go warm and fuzzy... and when I think of you're crying face, it just breaks me... that's why I don't and never intend to flirt with anyone except you, my fallen angel~ Ah, shit... my phone's dying... I'll call you again later, love you!
(Y/N)? How are things in (B/T) with (F/N)? I do hope the boys there behave if they want to live a long life. I blame Terasaka for mixing up with the preparations. I should've known better than let that guy buy the tickets... I just wanted to talk to you, and I guess... I miss you? At least that's what they say what I'm feeling right now. I just want to see you again. The shop feels empty without you around bugging me non-stop. Anyways, I hope you hurry home and come back safely. Take care.
A/N: I'll add more when I have the time! And I'll update the "Beauty and the Beast" story soon!

Assassination Classroom X Reader
Fanfiction*REQUESTS ARE CLOSED* As the title says, this is mostly x readers but I can do character x character and scenarios :3