|Karma Akabane| Animal Fugitive

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A/N: THIS IS RATED PG!!!!!!!!!! PG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Genre: Older!Karma, Older!Reader, PG

(Y/N): Your First Name
(F/A): Your Favourite Animal
(R/N): Random Name
(L/N): Your Last Name
(P/N): Your Pet Name
(F/M): Your Favourite Movie
(A/F): Animal Food

(Y/N)'s POV

"I'll be going now," Karma said pecking me on the forehead.

"Take care" I smiled at him as he left our apartment. As I heard the door close, I ran upstairs to my closet to check up on a certain stowaway. I opened the closet and saw the (F/A) napping; I smiled in relief and grabbed the two bowls and went downstairs to get it some more food and some water.

'Good thing Karma doesn't look through my closet...' I sighed in relief as I filled the two bowls. I went upstairs again and saw the small (F/A) stretching and yawning making me smile at the sight.

"Aww... you're such a cutie~" I purred as I patted its head and I heard knocking downstairs, "Wait right here," I said as I made a 'shh' motion with my hand as I made my way downstairs.

I went to the door and saw the owner of the apartment building,

"G-good morning, (R/N)-san" I greeted them and they raised a brow, "I-is something wrong, (R/N)-san?" I asked nervously under their glare.

"Is there an animal, here, (L/N)-san?" s/he asked still not faltering and trying to peek inside my apartment.

"What? Of course not! What made you think that?" I asked trying not to show how nervous I was. S/he looked at me up and down with a nasty snare and sharply turned her/his back at me.

"All right then, I'll let you off the hook this time (L/N)-san. BUT!" s/he exclaimed facing me again "If I hear another word that you're hiding an animal in your apartment, on the streets you and your ~pretty boyfriend~ go" s/he warned and left. I closed the door and slid on the door while sighing in relief.

"Thank goodness..." I said and I sweatdropped when I remembered how s/he swooned when s/he mentioned Karma. I went to the kitchen, grabbed the two bowls, and went upstairs to the (F/A).

As it ate, I went downstairs and cleaned up while playing music on my phone. While I was cleaning/dancing/singing, I felt something brushed my feet; I looked down and saw the (F/A) playing around my feet.

"Aww~," I said happily as I pet it, "I haven't named you, have I?" I said as it looked at me with curious eyes. "What about... (P/N)?" I suggested and it looked like it liked the name, "(P/N) it is!" I said as I cradled it in my arms while vacuuming the floor.

After cleaning the apartment, I plopped down on the couch with (P/N) still in my arms. I looked over to the clock.

'Four hours till Karma's home...' I thought and looked over to (F/A).

"What do you wanna do now, (P/N)?" I asked and it walked over to our DVD's (Do people still use DVD's?), "A movie? Okay then" I said and grabbed pillows and a blanket from upstairs and chose (F/M) to watch.

I grabbed some chips, snacks, and soda and put it on the table then made some popcorn and opened up some (A/F) while (P/N) was playing around my feet. After the popcorn was done, I went back to the living room and popped the DVD into the player.

"(P/N)! Come, come!" I called out as it jumped into my lap; when the movie was about to play, I put the pillows around the sofa and wrapped the blanket around me and (P/N).

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